Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 150 and 151 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 150 - The Amazoness Quartet in civilian form

This week on Sailor Moon SuperS we are introduced to the Amazoness Quartet as episodes 150 and 151 are added to Hulu and Neon Alley. First the Dead Moon Circus, which arrived in town over 20 episodes ago, arrives in town? and then Ami has an Internet romance with a young musician.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 150 - CereCere attacks Ziriconia

Episode 150, The Amazoness: Nightmare from Behind the Mirrors, introduces us to the Amazoness Quartet. Last week I mentioned that not much had happened this season and this episode reminds us of that. There is a circus in town! The Dead Moon Circus. That damned tent showed up out of nowhere during the eclipse in episode 128 and we’re only now getting around to addressing it? Nehelenia, this season’s main villain, is seen only briefly in a mirror at the beginning of this episode. Better late than never! I am kind of joking when I say that nothing has happened yet this season, but the Korean dub actually skipped everything up to this episode and just had to insert something about the Super transformations into the fight to make it all make sense. Anyway, the Amazoness Quartet are kind of cool. CereCere, VesVes, JunJun and PallaPalla are terribly behaved young girls. They not only argue with Zirconia but CereCere tries to actually fight her, which only ends because Zirconia turns out to be more powerful. As villains they are less objectionable than sleazy pick up artists and seem to fit with the whole circus theme more as they do acrobatics. The target this week is Momoko. Again. But there isn’t much focus on her as she just sort of tags along with the gang to go to the circus. The Amazoness Quartet aren’t quite as invasive in getting the Mirror of Dreams from their targets as they do so by knocking a pool ball into them, usually after doing some sort of elaborate trick shot. The episode closes with the Amazoness Quartet getting massaged which is a testament to their slacker attitudes.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 150 - The Amazoness Quartet getting massaged

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 151 - Ami naked

Episode 151, True Power Explodes: Ami’s Melody of the Heart, is the episode where we see Ami naked. Ami was chilling on the Internet before it was cool! Remember that this episode was released nearly 20 years ago, in November of 1995. The Internet wasn’t what it is today back then. Ami is downloading music on a computer network almost 4 years before Napster! She downloaded some music by user N. T. and is so into him that she’s writing poetry inspired by his music. Ami meets up with N. T. who is actually Toshiyuki Nishino, a young piano player who, much to Ami’s disappointment, has a girlfriend named Kyouko! Note that the initials N. T. apply because in Japanese the family name comes before the given name when stated, so he would be Nishino Toshiyuki. Then we get into this whole Ami powering up to Sailor Mercury thing. During the fight we cut to a scene with a fully naked Ami which should make some fans happy. She talks to Sailor Mercury, which is odd since Ami and Sailor Mercury are never before shown as being different people, and this causes her to do some kind of awakening. Why are we doing this? Pegasus powered everyone up a bunch of episodes ago. Now we are making every character do some sort of episode centred on them so that they can embrace their new powers. Another sign that we could have completely skipped the first half of the season and just started with episode 150 and using these sort of special episodes as reasons to power everyone up one at a time. Perhaps Ami just talks to herself because she has no family, as we learn briefly about her dead beat father who isn’t around and sends her a painting.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 151 - Sailor Mercury and Ami

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 150 - The Dead Moon Circus

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 151 - Ami and N. T.

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 148 and 149 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 148 - Usagi offers Fish Eye an umbrella

This week on Hulu‘s new episodes of Sailor Moon SuperS we get my favourite episodes of the season. Many consider Sailor Moon SuperS to be fairly weak as Sailor Moon seasons go, with a heavy focus on Chibiusa and episodes which don’t contribute much to the overall story. Episodes 148 and 149 are an exception to this. If you’ve for whatever reason skipped all of Sailor Moon SuperS up to now you can safely just start watching here and not miss much. Let me catch you up! There’s a horse named Pegasus that has been talking with Chibiusa which the bad guys are looking for. The girls now have little things on their shoulders which don’t do anything. These three gloriously dressed guys are pick up artists and villains. Okay you’re all caught up.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 148 - Fish Eye kissing Mamoru

Episode 148, Shadow of Evil: the Trio’s Last Chance, is the first in a sort of two parter. In this episode Fish Eye targets Mamoru but things don’t quite go as they have in other episodes. The usual formula has one of the Amazon Trio target someone and then, without any real emotional connection, try to pick them up an then take a peak at their Mirror of Dreams. Fish Eye, like Neil Strauss when he met Lisa Leveridge, has actual feelings for Mamoru and this sets him on a path of self realization. When he really makes a go at Mamoru he is rejected and Mamoru gives as a reason that he doesn’t have any dream. Fish Eye then realizes that while they’ve been looking for Pegasus in all of these people’s dreams, they didn’t have any of their own! He attempts to summon a Mirror of Dreams from Tiger’s Eye and then sees what he feared, that they don’t actually have any! Fish Eye is upset and has a peak at Mamoru’s Mirror of Dreams, which leads Sailor Moon to show up and save the day. Defeated emotionally, he sits crying on a bench and Usagi comes to his side to help him out, showing Sailor Moon’s true strength.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 149 - Usagi without a mirror of dreams

Episode 149, Mirrors of Dreams: the Amazon’s Last Stage, is the last we’ll see of the Amazon Trio. Fish Eye is heartbroken from Mamoru’s rejection, but Usagi is being compassionate towards him. While the Usagi we usually see in the series, even in the last episode, is one of extreme jealousy, here she presents a very different side. She has pity for Fish Eye who she knows doesn’t have a chance with Mamoru. While having this really awkward sleepover type situation with Usagi, he overhears Chibiusa talking with Pegasus and realizes that he has been hiding in her dreams all along. Hawk’s Eye targets Usagi and there is just no dressing up this episode’s attempted seduction. He walks in and just snaps his fingers to make her mirror appear. Does he not try for anyone under the age of majority? This makes us wonder why these guys have even bothered with the whole romance charade for the past 20 episodes. It’s obvious that it’s completely unnecessary! In the ensuing battle Usagi’s Mirror of Dreams is destroyed, which is sort of like having her soul destroyed, and then Hawk’s Eye is killed. Fish Eye and Tiger’s Eye finally have a change of heart and know that they need to save Usagi and Chibiusa, who Fish Eye kidnapped, to stop the monster and get their revenge. And they do, sacrificing their own lives in the process. Next it is revealed what the Amazon Trio really are. Hawk’s Eye is a hawk, Tiger’s Eye is a tiger and Fish Eye is a fish. A Mirror of Dreams is like a soul and these three don’t appear to have any. The insinuation would be that animals don’t actually have souls. Bad news for Luna, Artemis and Diana! Surely they could be exempt from this but what of other animals in the series such as Rhett Butler or the Chanelas? They must not have souls either.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 149 - Hawk's Eye the Hawk, Tiger's Eye the Tiger, Fish Eye the Fish

The Amazon Trio have truly redeemed themselves in their final moments. This is like the story of Pinocchio trying to become a real boy. Pegasus rewards them by giving them Dream Mirrors of their own, and then takes them with him to Elysion. Are they actually alive at this point or do they simply have their souls brought into the afterlife? Regardless of the details they are not seen again, but it seems that they are finally at peace.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 149 - The Amazon Trio with Mirrors of Dreams

Throughout both of these episodes we see a shadowy outline of the Amazoness Quartet. We will be seeing them more in the next half of the season as they are the villains to replace the Amazon Trio.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 148 - The Amazoness Quartet

I was such a fan of these episodes that I managed to pick up a couple of cels from episode 148. Have a look at those below.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 148 - Fish Eye kissing Mamoru

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 148 - Fish Eye kissing Mamoru

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 148 - Fish Eye looks for Tiger's Eye's Mirror of Dreams

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 148 - Fish Eye looks for Tiger's Eye's Mirror of Dreams

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 149 - Fish Eye dying

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 144 and 145 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 144 - The girls at the beach

This week on Sailor Moon SuperS we get a couple of funny episodes that are all about romance. With this morning’s addition of episodes 144 and 145 to Hulu and Neon Alley we get Shingo’s final appearance as a pimp who falls in love with Ami and then it’s all about fat shaming Usagi as she tries to be a ballerina.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 144 - Shingo the pimp

Episode 144, Shining Summer Days: Ami Under the Sea-Breeze, ships Ami and Shingo. Isn’t Shingo great? Wasn’t it fun when they shipped him with his sister in the first season? We’ve come a long way since then as Shingo is now going after Ami! This is sadly the last time we see Shingo in the series. He was a fairly prominent character in the first season, having a smaller role in Sailor Moon R and since being seen only very occasionally. This is a good final episode for him with some great moments, such as where he pretends to be a pimp in order to discourage gentlemen callers from hitting on Usagi and her friends at the beach. When Ami shows up Shingo suddenly gets excited and needs to run off. Why is this? Perhaps he, in nothing but his bathing suit, feels that there is a level of excitement that he can’t quite hide. Tiger’s Eye tries to hit on Ami and as usual doesn’t do so well. He takes it quite poorly when Shingo seems to be the one getting in his way. He tries to drown him, expecting Ami to simply ignore him, but that doesn’t work and we get an excuse for a little Ami and Shingo mouth to mouth. This is yet another swimsuit episode. We seem to get about one a season so this is what we have for SuperS! One interesting relationship in this episode is Shingo and Chibiusa. Shingo doesn’t know that Chibiusa is his niece. Presumably he doesn’t die in the next 6 or so years and will actually properly get to be her uncle. He believes her to be his cousin but treats her more like a sister as they are living together. All around this episode is good for some laughs. Shingo was always a great character and it’s too bad we won’t be seeing him anymore.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 144 - Ami does mouth to mouth on Shingo

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 145 - Usagi and Chibiusa do ballet

Episode 145, Become a Prima: Usagi’s Ballet, has Usagi and her friends trying out ballet. The centres around a performance of the ballet Giselle. The target is a ballet teacher Yamagishi and his Prima Ballerina Kiriko who inexplicably looks a lot like Naru. He wants her to be Giselle but thinks she is missing something. Enter Fish Eye, in drag once again because Yamagishi is straight, blowing everyone away with his ballet moves. It seems like Yamagishi has picked him to be Giselle but it turns out this was more of a weird semi cruel motivational tool to get the most out of Kiriko. A recurring theme in this episode is fat shaming Usagi, who is ridiculously skinny. It’s like the way Usagi is animated doesn’t match the way she is actually supposed to look in the narrative in the show. Or perhaps it’s just logistics that in a show where everyone is equally skinny no one is actually skinny since it’s the new normal. Either way, Usagi has little bits of fat which do a sort of muffin top thing over a tutu whenever she wears one. Chibiusa teases her about this at first which is funny because as Usagi’s daughter she has already made changes to her waistline in the future. Later in the episode the monster puts a Tutu on the two of them and the waistline problem is pointed out again. Mamoru even notices the weight gain as he’s accused of being too slow to save them. There’s just nothing good about any of this. It’s a negative attitude that tells viewers that they need to be really skinny and I just don’t like it.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 145 - Chibiusa calls Usagi fat

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 144 - Shingo and Ami

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 145 - Fish Eye the Prima Ballerina

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 145 - Rei kicks Yamagishi in the stomach

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 145 - Usagi the Rabbit in the Moon

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 142 and 143 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 142 - Mamoru gets turned down by and older lady

The two latest episodes of Sailor Moon SuperS were added to Hulu and Neon Alley this morning. With the addition of episodes 142 and 143 we are introduced to what seem to be the oldest and youngest targets in the series. First we learn why Mamoru goes after school girls as he and Hawk’s Eye fail to seduce an elderly woman and next Fish Eye goes after a young boy who has his eye on Chibiusa. Also some new outfits.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 142 - Diana eating delicious stew

Episode 142, The Secret Mansion: a Menu of Love for You, reminds me of a fake movie in Married With Children called “Old Man, Older Woman”. We so rarely see love stories about older people so this episode was a nice change. Early in the episode we are introduced to an elderly woman Mayako. She fights to get a deal at the grocery store and then Mamoru offers to help her cross the street, but she rejects his advances. Mamoru’s charm works quite well on Usagi and Rei or even, as we saw early this season, on fellow University aged girls, but it looks like he’s powerless against an older woman! No wonder his preferences skew more towards what Tiger’s Eye is in to. Diana, mad that Mamoru was shot down, investigates and is fed some delicious stew by Mayako. Do the cats in the Sailor Moon world prefer people food or cat food? We see them eat cat food and other foods which usually appeal to cats, like fish, a number of times, but Luna also has more sophisticated taste such as when she eats Star Candies in the Sailor Moon S movie. So complex. Anyway it turns out this grouchy old lady is just miffed because her lover, Ichirou Ohno, who happens to have just returned to town, left to become the best French cook instead of opening a restaurant with her. Naturally all of this works out by the end of the episode and everything will probably be fine, except for the fact that they both wasted their youth being stubborn. That’s cool though because they open up a restaurant where they can serve great stew and other French food made by a Japanese guy. Hawk’s Eye is naturally the one to target Mayako, as he always has a preference for older women. Though no specific ages are generally given Mayako seems to be the oldest woman ever targeted in the SuperS series. For some reason he wears a shirt which looks like the flag of Turkey in this episode, though Turkey’s flag is a white moon and star, and his shirt has a yellow moon and star on a red background. What’s what about?

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 142 - Mayakou and Ichirou

This episode is somewhat of a retelling of the story of *batteries not included. In this film, which also has robots, Jessica Tandy’s character and the rest of the main cast live in an apartment block which needs to be sold in order to build some fancy new building. Thugery is used to try to kick them out. Similarly in this episode Mayako’s mansion is wanted by many but she refuses to sell. Thugs show up trying to force her out! For more on the hit film *batteries not included watch this video I made about the robots in the movie. It includes some fun props I made in the style of those robots.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 143 - Aki the Green Power Ranger

The Green Power Ranger's Power Morpher

Episode 143, Believe in Pegasus: The Four Guardians’ Super Transformation, is about a lot of things that are more interesting that the Super Transformations. Yes there’s a thing with Pegasus and he does a thing to Sailor Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus to give them little transparent shoulder things which doesn’t have much significance other that further complicating the view of the future we saw in Sailor Moon R. They will all later have individual episodes where we see them “power up” again so this is really a non issue. Speaking of powering up, is Chibiusa’s friend the Green Power Ranger? In a scene early in this episode we see a young girl, Aki, teasing Chibiusa. She has a logo on her shirt which looks a lot like the the Green Power Ranger’s Power Coin, the symbol of the Dragonzord. This week’s target is Robert, a young boy who has a crush on Chibiusa. Most kids don’t do anything about their crushes but Robert is, as the narrative of the story tries to tell us, a very appealing boy who can get anyone. He aggressively pursues Chibiusa but as we’re starting to figure out, she only has room in her heart for Pegasus. Fish Eye targets Robert. To date Fish Eye has targeted adult men but here he is targeting a child, something similar to what Tiger’s Eye did with the samurai girl Hiharu. It’s not clearly indicated but Robert could be even younger than her. Regardless of gender, this just seems inappropriate. Fish Eye, dressed as a woman as he does when targeting straight men and boys, is quickly turned down by Robert who sees her as an old lady. Good for your Robert!

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 143 - Robert and Fish Eye

In a joke at the end of the episode we learn that Usagi has stood up Mamoru in order to spy on her daughter. The movie he’s waiting to see is Godzilla. This is the second time we’ve seen this movie showcased, the last being only 3 episodes ago with episode 141 when Minako went to see a movie with Hawk’s Eye. In both cases this poster for Godzilla was clearly shown. So what is going on here? Can this be a reference to any real movie out at the time? The two sightings of this poster, in episodes 141 and 143, had air dates of July 8th and July 22nd 1995. There were no Godzilla movies in theatres at the time. Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla was released on November 10th 1994, too early to still be in theatres the next summer, while Godzilla vs. Destroyer would come out later that year on December 9th 1995. Surely some smaller theatres could conceivably have run a rerelease of Godzilla in some limited capacity, but to have them run two weeks apart like this and be chosen to be seen by multiple characters in the series seems somewhat unlikely. Of course the real reason this is here is likely simply that somehow who made these episodes was a fan.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 143 - Godzilla still in theatres

Episode 143

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 141 - Hawk's Eye and Minako see Godzilla

Episode 141

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 142 - Hawk's Eye loves Turkey

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 143 - Chibiusa and Robert

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 143 - Sailor Mercury powered up

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 140 and 141 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 140 - A Sailor Moon inspired outfit and wedding dress

The two latest episodes of Sailor Moon SuperS were added to Hulu and Neon Alley this morning. This week we get episodes 140 and 141. First Usagi befriends a fashion designer who is targeted by Fish Eye and then Minako tries to date two guys at the same time as she multitasks with Tiger’s Eye and Hawk’s Eye.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 140 - Mamoru is broke

Episode 140, We Love Fashion: The Stylish Guardians, is all about fashion designer Yoshiki Usui. He’s doing a fashion show in town and all of the girls are instantly enthralled with his designs. This is bad news for Mamoru because Usagi wants him to buy her his expensive clothes! Yoshiki Usui is a gay man, making him the target of Fish Eye. In the past, and in future episodes, Fish Eye dresses as a woman in order to lure the men he targets but in this episode he lures Yoshiki as a man. Yoshiki sees Fish Eye as a muse, which leads to him being dressed up in all sorts of great outfits and even stripping down to nothing! Usagi, being a bit shameless, asks Yoshiki if he can design her wedding dress for free. Is money an object when you are in the midst of ascending to the throne as world leader? Oh well. Ultimately as Yoshiki finds himself in the middle of the battle he sees the Sailor Guardians and inspires his next outfits by them. So what is the original inspiration for these items? Though the Sailor Guardians’ outfits seem inspired by modern school uniforms which are themselves somewhat inspired by naval uniforms (hence the name Sailor) we also see that these outfits existed in the ancient days of Silver Millennium. Is some time travel involved or did these outfits themselves inspire naval uniforms and later school uniforms? So many unanswered questions!

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 140 - Yoshiki Usui and his partner

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 141 - Minako and Tiger's Eye

Episode 141, Storm of Love: Minako’s Grand Two-Timing Plan, is a great comedic episode. In it we have Minako splitting her interest between two guys she is simultaneously dating, who turn out to be Tiger’s Eye and Hawk’s Eye. This is somewhat funny as Minako has been single throughout the series and now finds herself with two guys at her side. There is a lot of focus on just how terrible what she’s doing is but is it really? The deception she is running on them is not great but ultimately if no insinuation of exclusivity is going on here she’s not doing anything wrong. Artemis seems more upset than anyone but he’s not actually bothered by the two timing. Artemis is clearly in love with Minako and is jealous of any man she may date who isn’t him! Too bad Artemis. That ship sailed the moment your daughter from the future showed up to cement your relationship with Luna, not to mention the events of the Sailor Moon S movie which have them informally beginning their exclusivity. The episode is full of great jokes as Minako has two dates at the same time and runs from one to another. This is cut short as she dumps both of them. For the first and only time two of the Amazon Trio reveal a Mirror of Dreams together, and then they both penetrate her Mirror at once, seeing her lovely dream. The episode concludes with a lovely romantic scene where Artemis and Minako once again express their strong desire for each other as we see this great couple happy together once again.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 141 - Minako and Hawk's Eye

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 141 - Artemis and Minako

This marks the beginning of a new ending theme as “Rashiku” Ikimasho or “I’ll Go As Myself” begins playing during the credits of episode 141 and until the end of Sailor Moon SuperS. This replaces “Watashi-tachi ni Naritakute” or “Wanting to Be Together with You” which has played to date.

Sailor Moon SuperS ending theme "Rashiku" Ikimasho

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 141 - Artemis loves Minako

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 140 - Fish Eye gets naked

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 141 - Hawk's Eye and Tiger's Eye double penetrate Minako's Mirror of Dreams

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 138 and 139 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 138 - Mamoru gets a key from Natsumi

The two latest episodes of Sailor Moon SuperS have been added to Hulu and Neon Alley. Episodes 138 and 139 are full of sadness as a widow tries to fix her husband’s old car and a young swordswoman is beat up repeatedly by her mother.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 138 - Natsumi and her husband

Episode 138, Drive to the Heavens: The Dream Car Fueled with Love, once again tries to make us think Mamoru is being unfaithful! Usagi and the audience should learn by now. Ami sees a woman give him a set of keys. What is this? Her house keys? A hotel key? No. They’re just keys to a car which she is trying to fix up. Natsumi is a widow and before his death her husband was trying to fix up this old car. She wants to fix it now but needs some help, which is where everyone comes in. There is no reason to suspect Mamoru of wrongdoing but of course Usagi gets jealous because that’s what she does. He’d need to die for her to stop constantly doubting him. Natsumi’s husband had a beard so Hawk’s Eye has the perfect plan to win her heart! A beard! This fails naturally and Chibiusa gives him a piece of her mind.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 138 - Chibiusa yells at Hawk's Eye

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 139 - Miharu defeats a swordsman

Episode 139, Aiming for the Top: the Pretty Swordswoman’s Dilemma, is about a young girl who is trying to be the best in the world with a sword! Miharu hangs around in the park fighting challengers which seems to go well until someone comes by and gives her a serious whooping. To complicate things further this is actually her mother! What a family. This seems to be her tough love sort of approach to get her to come back home. Miharu pretends to be strong but is quite upset by all this, masking her tears by chopping onions and blaming them. Whenever I’m chopping onions I think of this scene and, in the opposite way, pretend to tell a tragic story to make my tears seem genuine. Tiger’s Eye, always one to target younger women, goes after Miharu in this episode. Though her age is not outright stated she appears to be younger than any of his previous targets. Ultimately Miharu confronts her mother again but instead of beating her straight out in combat she leaves a small trap for her and beats her that way. Somehow this seems to have solved all of the family’s problems.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 139 - Miharu gets beat by her mother

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 139 - Miharu defeats her mother

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 136 and 137 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 136 - Ninja Usagi is mad at Rei

This week on Hulu and Neon Alley we get Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 136 and 137. These episodes are full of nudity and shipping. Who do you like? Mamoru is paired with Usagi, Ami, Rei and Rei’s Grandfather in this episode! Then Diana is all over Fish Eye, but it isn’t reciprocated.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 136 - Mamoru's butt

Episode 136, Protect Mamoru: Ninja Usagi’s Jealousy, ships everyone with everyone else. The gang is hanging out at Mamoru’s place, which apparently is a thing they do. Usagi is jealous because Mamoru and Ami are doing math homework together. While breaking them up a fire extinguisher is set off completely destroying the place. Too bad Mamoru has important work to finish and he needs to concentrate! Rei offers to let him stay at her shrine which naturally has Usagi jealous since Mamoru and Rei are obviously attracted to each other and never technically broke up as they were dating when all those pesky memories from the past went and interfered with their love for one another. As Mamoru moves in Rei’s grandfather has quite an interest in him. Does anyone ship these two? Yuuichirou is instantly jealous, taking it out on Mamoru by super heating his bath. We see a naked Mamoru scene as Rei gets a glimpse of him in the tub. Usagi is dressed up as a ninja at this point, and confronts Rei about what happened. Rei blushes, clearly still interested in Mamoru! Meanwhile Rei’s grandfather has the perfect thing for Yuuichirou. They go out cruising for ladies in the city! This ends up to be more of a series of street harassments than anything else. Ultimately Rei is targeted by Tiger’s Eye and during the fight when Usagi calls for Mamoru he doesn’t come. We get a great explanation for why he always shows up. He seems to have a 6th sense for knowing when Usagi needs him, but Diana insists he continue working rather than come to her aid!

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 136 - Yuuichirou and Rei's grandpa hitting on girls

Note that a calendar in this episode once again shows the year to be 1995.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 137 - Kitakata and Fish Eye

Episode 137, Forest of Illusion: A Beautiful Fairy’s Invitation, is about a man with a fairy fetish! Chibiusa is reading a book about fairies and runs into the author, who clearly wants to meet and fall in love with a fairy. Enter Fish Eye! We haven’t seen Fish Eye target any of the women in the past and now we know why. He’s gay and only interested in men. In order to lure Kitakata he poses as a fairly, which has him dressing as a woman. His gender is a bit fluid throughout the series and mostly in this episode. When showering at one point his breasts are covered in soap bubbles as if something needed censoring, but Fish Eye is a man and we aren’t usually covering up men’s chests in this series. Diana is helplessly drawn to Fish Eye because he smells like fish! She suspects this must be a fish fairy. Unfortunately Kitakata learns that Fish Eye doesn’t like flowers and so his perfect image of a fairy is ruined.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 137 - Fish Eye showering

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 136 - Usagi is jealous of Mamoru and Ami

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 136 - Rei's grandpa scoping out Mamoru

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 137 - Diana smelling Fish Eye

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 134 and 135 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 135 - Chibiusa the artist

The two latest episodes of Sailor Moon SuperS, episodes 134 and 135, have been added to Hulu and Neon Alley this morning. This week we get a couple of episodes focusing on some artists first as Makoto’s friend writes a novel about Pegasus and next as Chibiusa deals with a teacher who’s lost her groove.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 134 - Rei has 3 books for autographs

Episode 134, Makoto’s Friendship: The Girl Who Admired Pegasus, has the Sailor Guardians excited about a new book release by a local writer. As the gang are ready to get autographs we once again see that Rei takes her autographs seriously, bringing three copies of the book to get signed. We previously learned about this obsession way back in episode 21 when she brought a bunch of autograph paper to the animation studio working on the Sailor V movie. The book, which is all about Pegasus, was written by author Tomoko Takase who turns out to be Makoto’s friend. Who knew the Sailor Guardians had friends who weren’t each other? The girls have always been presented as having been lonely prior to encountering Usagi. In a flashback we see that Makoto and Tomoko befriended each other while Makoto was at her old school so this is prior to us seeing her in the series. Her relationship with Tomoko began somewhat like her relationship with Usagi had, as she help protect her from a bunch of bullies, which leads her to read the story she’s writing. I guess Makoto didn’t remember having dreamed of Pegasus as a child at this point, something we later learn all of the Sailor Guardians did but mostly forgot. Tomoko has lost her motivation after seeing a boy she likes with a girlfriend. Chibiusa is shocked at the book, as it’s all about Pegasus who comes and fights with her and sometimes shows up by her bedside, and tells Tomoko about it. Tomoko is targeted and in the ensuing fight sees Pegasus which helps her get her groove back.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 134 - Makoto and Tomoko

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 135 - Kyuusuke, Chibiusa and Momoko badmouth Morino

Episode 135, Connecting Hearts: Chibi-Usa and Pegasus, is not the most feminist episode. Chibiusa and her friends are painting in a park, and Chibiusa is all about doing crazy crap. She has a moustache, because she thinks artists should have moustaches, which doesn’t say much for female artists! She also draws Pegasus into the landscape because she’s a free thinking hippie who can’t follow the assignment. Her teacher, Morino Sensei, is not happy about this one bit and threatens to fail her for it. Kyuusuke gives Morino a bit of trouble mocking her singleness and blaming her stubbornness for not having a man. Harsh criticism from a little runt. Momoko also appears here and we see that her hair colour has somehow changed from a natural brown to a less normal looking purple. She still has normal looking hair when compared to her friend! When Usagi and Chibiusa run into Morino this triggers and unusual parental reaction in Usagi, who otherwise usually does no such thing. This whole exchange is quite humorous. Ultimately Morino is targeted by Tiger’s Eye, which would make her his oldest target to date. In the final scene of the episode we get a sort of weird scene in which Chibiusa changes in front of Pegasus which makes him blush, insinuating there is some sort of attraction there not typical of a human/horse relationship. There seems to be more to this winged horse than meets the eye!

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 135 - Moroni, Usagi and Chibiusa

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 134 - Chibiusa sees Pegasus

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 134 - Tomoko sees Pegasus

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 132 and 133 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 133 - Diana

This morning Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 132 and 133 were added to Hulu and Neon Alley. With that we get a couple of hilarious episodes focusing on the fragile nature of rock solid relationships which it turns out aren’t actually fragile at all. First Mamoru and Usagi’s relationship is put to the test and then Luna must deal with Artemis’s illegitimate kitten he seems to have had with some random stray! As expected we did not get the Sailor Moon SuperS Special which takes place between episodes 131 and 132. You can read more about that special in last week’s write up. There is currently no indication as to when, if at all, the Sailor Moon movies and specials will be released.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 132 - Saori and Mamoru are shipped by exactly no one!!

Episode 132, The Perfect Couple: Usagi and Mamoru’s Love, is not an episode about how Usagi and Mamoru are the perfect couple. It’s about the relationship, or lack thereof, between Saori and Kobayashi, two of Mamoru’s friends. Kobayashi loves Saori. Saori loves Mamoru. Mamoru loves Usagi. Usagi loves Mamoru. Chibiusa loves Mamoru. Tiger’s Eye targets Saori. It’s a whole intricate web of attraction! When Saori and Kobayashi are having a chat at Mamoru’s the conversation is a bit awkward, and it just gets worse when Usagi and Chibiusa show up. Chibiusa does nothing to reduce the tension when she flat out asks Saori what her intentions with her Mamoru are! Chibiusa is rightfully concerned that Mamoru may end up with Saori because if he does she may never be born in the first place! This concern is passed on to Usagi who can’t help but imagine Mamoru straying with this more mature woman. Does anyone actually ship these two together? This relationship reminds me of Hina and Mamoru in the live action series. They are the same age and theoretically compatible but tragically Mamoru has no interest because he loves Usagi. Tiger’s Eye targets Saori in this episode. This is a bit odd as I’m having a lot of trouble figuring out where him and Hawk’s Eye draw the line between young woman and older woman. Hawk’s Eye, who prefers older women, went after Reika, Motoki’s girlfriend who appears to be roughly Mamoru’s age. Saori is Mamoru’s school mate and appears to be roughly the same age but is targeted by Tiger’s Eye who generally pursues younger women. Ultimately during the inevitable combat Saori sees Mamoru call Sailor Moon Usagi and so she sees that she can’t possibly come between the two. Does this leave Kobayashi the winner of the covered silver medal, the runner up consolation prize of the woman who can’t have the man she wants? We will never know as they are never seen again.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 132 - Mamoru loves Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 133 - Chibiusa is an old lonely cat lady watching Sailor Moon

Episode 133, Artemis Is Cheating? Enter the Mysterious Kitten, is an interesting follow up to the Sailor Moon S movie. This episode features one of the most hilarious scenes of the series. When asking for help with her homework Chibiusa tries to convince Mamoru that if he doesn’t help her she’ll do poorly in school, be mocked by her friends, never get married and end up old and alone. Her imagination of this shows a white haired old lady Chibiusa sitting with her cat watching the Sailor Moon anime on a TV. Does the Sailor Moon anime exist in the world of Sailor Moon? We’ve only ever seen the Sailor V series to date, but this seems possible. Artemis gets busted in this episode staring lovingly at a Nun. He later confesses he was just in awe because he dreams of getting married in a church some day. Is this a feasible goal for a cat? The Catholic Church does not consider animals to have souls, so I think they would have a bit of trouble reconciling the love between a couple of alien cats from another solar system. Suddenly a cute grey kitten with a crescent moon on her head shows up calling Artemis father, and Luna assumes the worst. Clearly the only logical explanation, given the causal nature of the universe, and that Luna has never given birth to a talking kitten with a crescent moon on her forehead, is that Artemis impregnated a real cat at some point fathering this kitten. The insinuation is simple. Artemis, having sexual needs, has been having sex with one or more cats. There is some room for a non cheating relationship to have caused this prior to the events of the Sailor Moon S movie when Luna and Artemis’s relationship became formalized. Prior to that Artemis was free to do as he pleased while Luna was being pursued by Rhett Butler and transforming into a human to make out with her space man. Luna is understandably upset, but so is Minako! She is not upset for Luna but for herself! Minako and Artemis have a strong relationship! Well it turns out it was just a misunderstanding. Diana is simply Luna and Artemis’s daughter from the future, and now everyone is back to being happy. Artemis laughs it off but sympathizes with Mamoru’s situation, having his future daughter around cramping his relationship with his girlfriend and future wife.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 133 - Artemis, Luna and Diana

Why bring Diana in now and not two seasons ago? In the Sailor Moon Manga Diana shows up in Crystal Tokyo, like she did in Sailor Moon Crystal, in what is the equivalent of Sailor Moon R in the anime. We never see her at this point and when Chibiusa returns in Sailor Moon S, she returns alone. It’s not really clear why the anime writers chose not to include her but at this point they manage to throw her in for a very brief appearance before she is to be swept under the same rug Chibiusa disappears under during SailorStars.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 133 - Luna attacks Artemis

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 133 - Minako upset at Artemis

Sailor Moon SuperS episodes 130 and 131 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 130 - Ikuko Mama's clone

The two latest episodes of Sailor Moon SuperS are now available on Hulu and Neon Alley. This week we get episodes 130 and 131 and everyone in Usagi’s entourage are targeted by the PUAs that are the Amazon Trio. First it’s her mother and then it’s her best friend, but will either stray from their committed relationships? Once you’ve watched these episodes you’ll want to watch the Sailor Moon SuperS Special as well. You can read more about that later in this post.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 130 - Usagi going to school

Episode 130, Protect Mom’s Dream: Double Moon’s New Attack, is all about Usagi’s mother Ikuko Tsukino who is generally referred to as Ikuko Mama. In over three seasons we’ve somehow never had an episode focus on either of the Tsukino parents, so this one is a nice change. Usagi gets really mad that she didn’t get to eat a piece of her mother’s pie, which is a classic Usagi reason to get upset, and she storms off. This leads to a nice moment between Ikuko Mama and Chibiusa. What a lovely yet tragic relationship these two share. Chibiusa is stranded in the past and while Usagi does offer some sort of a parental figure to her, what with her being her actual mother, their relationship is much closer to that of sisters. Ikuko Mama believes herself to be Chibiusa’s aunt though as she lives with the Tsukinos she is more of a parent to her. Too bad all of her memories of Chibiusa are destined to disappear whenever she returns to the future. Will she still be alive when Usagi ascends to be Queen of Crystal Tokyo and Chibiusa is born? Will she ever be able to reclaim her lost memories? It’s hard not be a bit sad whenever I see these two interact. Ikuko Mama shows Chibiusa a series of photos of Usagi when she was growing up. This reminds me of the intro to the Sailor Moon SuperS movie where we see clips of all of the Sailor Guardians growing up. More importantly we see a calendar in the background of this scene which states 1995. The timeline for Sailor Moon makes no sense, as the episodes all seem to take place during the actual seasons and years they aired in over a five year period, though Usagi ages only two years over that time. Here Usagi, 14 years old throughout the first season, is 15 years old as determined by her birthday last season and her age being stated in episode 132 which is only two episodes and a short special away. A calendar in the first season showed 1992 while one in this episode shows 1995. Something doesn’t add up!

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 130 - 1995

Ikuko Mama is targeted by Hawk’s Eye, because she is older than the teenaged girls Tiger’s Eye goes after. This doesn’t seem to work very well, as she is quite happily married to Kenji Papa! Hawk’s Eye creates an elaborate lie about his own mother who looks just like her making pies. He really lays it on thick! When the fighting ensues Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon and finally powered up permanently to Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon with the weapons we’ve sort of already seen a couple of times. Not sure why this needed to be dragged out this much.

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 130 - The Tsukino family

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 131 - Tiger's Eye hits on Naru

Episode 131, Catch Pegasus: The Amazon’s Trap, is a great humour filled episode. Last episode Hawk’s Eye tried to seduce a married woman and this week Tiger’s Eye has about as much trouble trying to seduce Naru despite her relationship with Umino. This relationship is rock solid, not likely to be broken up by a slick peacocking PUA or some message from the future as we’ve seen with others in the series. Hawk’s Eye is hilariously shattered at the idea that a young lady could pass on his advances but be interested in such a seemingly low class guy as Umino, but he will not be deterred. He comes up with a great tactic, to fake a terminal illness! It somewhat works, as Naru decides it is the right thing to do to be at his side. Umino is broken up by this, going into a depression and drinking a ton of McDonald’s milkshakes which are MoG shakes but the similarity is no coincidence. All of this doesn’t work though. Naru’s love for Umino is too strong! They truly are the strongest couple in the series!

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 131 - Umino drowns his sorrows in milkshakes

Next, you should really watch the Sailor Moon SuperS Special which originally aired on April 8th 1995, two weeks after episode 131, which aired March 25th, and a week before episode 132, which aired April 15th. Although this episode aired on TV and fits chronologically within the Sailor Moon SuperS season it has never been released in English to date and is unlikely to appear on Hulu next week. If you look around the Internet you should be able to find a copy of this special.

Sailor Moon SuperS Special - A Lemures dummy

The special is broken into three parts which are each a sort of mini episode. The total length is about that of two episodes, so each episode is somewhat shorter than usual. The first part is a series of flashback clips which is generally uninteresting. The other two parts are much more better.

Sailor Moon SuperS Special - Haruka and Michiru during SuperS

In the second part, The Return of Haruka and Michiru! The Ghostly Puppet Show, We get a look at what Haruka and Michiru are up to this season as they fight an evil ventriloquist’s dummy. The dummy being the evil one. Haruka is sick throughout. A fight naturally ensues at which point we learn that Michiru would gladly sacrifice many lives just to save Haruka, which is funny but completely contradicting all of Sailor Moon S. As an indicator that we won’t be seeing them later in the season, the two agree that the core group of Sailor Guardians can handle the new threat. At this point in the manga Sailor Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn would not have joined the story of the dream arc yet, but in the anime they never do.

Sailor Moon SuperS Special - Lilica Hubert

Next is the third part, Chibiusa’s Adventure! The Dreaded Vampire Castle, which is an adaptation of the first Chibiusa’s picture diary manga side story. It focuses on a young girl named Lilica who joins Chibiusa’s class. She seems like a nice enough girl until some of the boys in her class start disappearing. It turns out Lilica is actually a vampire, so it’s a good thing the girls had a garlic filled lunch allowing them to use Sailor Special Garlic Attack which is naturally never used in any other episode.

Sailor Moon SuperS Special - Sailor Special Garlic Attack

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Sailor Moon SuperS episode 130 - Usagi playing in a sandbox

Sailor Moon SuperS episode 130 - Usagi the rabbit in a play