The schedule for Unplugged Expo has been posted online so we can now confirm when the Sailor Moon related events will be taking place. At this year’s convention there will be a gathering of 10 voice actors from the english dub of Sailor Moon. This includes Stephanie Morgenstern, the voice of Sailor Venus, Katie Griffin, the voice of Sailor Mars, Susan Roman, the voice of Sailor Jupiter, Terri Hawkes, the voice of Sailor Moon, Toby Proctor, the voice of Tuxedo Mask, Jill Frappier, the voice of Luna, Ron Rubin, the voice of Artemis, Roland Parliament, the voice of Melvin, Julie Lemieux, the voice of Serena’s brother Sammy and John Stocker, voice director. This is going to be the largest gathering of english Sailor Moon voice actors in convention history so it should not be missed by any fan who can make it to Toronto this weekend.
The main panels featuring these voice actors will be the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary panels taking place Saturday at 1pm and Sunday at 2pm. Following each of these panels will be autograph sessions running from 2 to 3pm on Saturday and 3 to 4pm on Sunday.
In addition to these voice actor panels there are a few other events of interest going on. Saturday at 11am will be a Sailor Moon products panel run by Emily from the Moon Chase Sailor Moon news blog. Directly following this at 12pm is a Sailor Moon DQ panel which I don’t have any details on but it has Sailor Moon in it’s title so I’m sure it’ll be fun. Sailor Moon cosplayers will want to check out the How to Make Sailor Moon Fuku panel presented by Cosmeko which will be Saturday afternoon at 4pm.
Schedules are always subject to change so be sure to double check the times when you get to the convention. Pre-registration is still open until October 21st.
I hope to see you at the convention. I’ll be helping out with the voice actor panels so feel free to drop by and say hi afterwards or if you spot me at any other time around the convention.