It has been a year since the last new episode of Sailor Moon Crystal

Sailor Moon Crystal Act 38 - Usagi and Chibiusa see Pegasus

Today is June 28th 2017. The last episode of Sailor Moon Crystal which we saw was Act 38, Infinity 12 – Infinite Journey, on June 27th 2016. Surely we expected to have new episodes by now! Many fans are losing hope that we may ever see the Dream Arc of Sailor Moon Crystal but not all hope is lost. Later this week, on June 30th to celebrate Usagi’s birthday, there will be a live event in Japan. We don’t know what this live event will involve but it is possible that, after a long Sailor Moon Crystalless year, we might be getting some information about the upcoming season!

Sailor Moon Crystal Act 38 - Viewing the eclipse

The last official thing we heard about the 4th season of Sailor Moon Crystal was back in January of this year when the Official Sailor Moon Site was updated to reflect the 25th Anniversary. This update included a mention that production would continue. No further details were mentioned and 5 months have since passed. Does the light of hope for Sailor Moon Crystal’s continuation still exist in your heart?

Sailor Moon Sailor Stars episode 199 - The Light of Hope

Kenny has Sailor Moon’s Moon Stick in the trailer for the South Park: Phone Destroyer game

South Park: Phone Destroyer - Princess Kenny with Sailor Moon's Moon Stick

A new South Park cell phone game by Ubisoft is coming to mobile phones. The trailer for this game, released at E3 this week, includes Kenny as a Princess wielding Sailor Moon’s Moon Stick complete with the Silver Crystal it has once upgraded. This is not the first time we see Princess Kenny, who had appeared in the episode “A Song of Ass and Fire” back in 2013. In that episode Kenny transformed with the help of an item which closely resembled Sailor Moon’s Crisis Moon Compact. Watch the trailer for the game below. Princess Kenny shows up 44 seconds into the clip.

Thanks to Amanda who spotted this reference and posted about it on Twitter.

South Park: Phone Destroyer - Princess Kenny with Sailor Moon's Moon Stick

Sailor Moon episode 43 - Sailor Mars with the Moon Stick

South Park: Phone Destroyer - Princess Kenny with Sailor Moon's Moon Stick

No, Kotono Mitsuishi, the voice of Sailor Moon, is not the voice of Wonder Woman in the Japanese dub of the film

Kotono Mitsuishi is not the Japanese voice of Wonder Woman

This past weekend Wonder Woman was released in North America and in many cities worldwide. This film has been a tremendous success. Over the past few days I’ve seen the follow bit of trivia more than once on Social Media:

For the Japanese dub of the film, Wonder Woman is voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi, best known as the voice of Sailor Moon. Like Wonder Woman, Sailor Moon is a princess heroine of divine heritage and based on Greco-Roman mythology.

The source of this information is the IMDB trivia page for the Wonder Woman film. I’m pretty sure this isn’t true! Kotono Mitsuishi did the voice over narration for the Japanese Wonder Woman trailer, which many news sources including this site reported on back in March. It seems likely that this information was mistakenly used as evidence that Kotono Mitsuishi, the voice of Usagi in Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Crystal, would actually voice Wonder Woman in the Japanese language dubbed version of the film. The narration in the trailer is not the actual voice of Wonder Woman who’s English voice can be heard in the trailer. I can find no indication by doing searches of various sites in English and Japanese that Kotono Mitsuishi will be the voice of Wonder Woman.

It seems quite unlikely that Kotono Mitsuishi would voice this role as she was not the one to do the Japanese dubbed voice for Wonder Woman in Batman V Superman. We can see from the Japanese Wikipedia page for Batman V Superman that this was actually done by voice actress YĆ«ko Kaida who may be known to readers for some of her anime roles. It seems likely that she will be the one to voice the character for the Wonder Woman film. Actors will often dub the voices of the same actors in multiple films especially when there are part of a series where the actors appears in more than one film.

Wonder Woman in Batman V Superman

While it is certainly possible that independent of her doing the narration for the trailer Kotono Mitsuishi will also be included with the Japanese dubbed version of the film which isn’t set to be released until the 25th of August we don’t actually have any good evidence beyond this bit of IMDB trivia which indicates that this might be the case. Keep reading for more exploration of the specific research which led me to this conclusion.

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New images show Sailor Galaxia and the Sailor Animamates from Sailor Moon Le Mouvement Final musical

Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Galaxia, Sailor Tin Nyanko and Sailor Aluminum Siren from the Sailor Moon Le Mouvement Final musical

We finally got our first look at Sailor Galaxia and the Sailor Animamates for the upcoming Sailor Moon Le Mouvement Final musical this past week. The Sailor Animamates are Sailor Guardians who are being controlled by Galaxia. The photo includes Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Galaxia, Sailor Tin Nyanko and Sailor Aluminum Siren. We’ve also gotten another photo including the entire cast, the rest of whom we’d already seen with previous announcements. We also previously had cast information about these characters. Coco Isuzu is Sailor Galaxia, Shion Aoki is Sailor Iron Mouse, Miyu Hashigaki is Sailor Tin Nyanko, Yuka Kobayashi is Sailor Aluminum Siren and Iriya Yuuto is Sailor Lead Crow.

The cast of Sailor Moon Le Mouvement Final

In the second photo we see that Sailor Galaxia and her Sailor Animamates are on the ground while the rest of the Sailor Guardians are all flying! Will we be seeing some fancy wire work in this musical?