This 4th of July weekend, July 3rd to the 6th, Anime Expo in Los Angeles will be playing host to a huge number of Sailor Moon voice actors. A few weeks ago the first round of guests were announced as the convention would welcome all five of the Sailor Soliders, Linda Ballantyne, Sailor Moon, Karen Bernstein, Sailor Mercury, Katie Griffin, Sailor Mars, Susan Roman, Sailor Jupiter and Stephanie Morgenstern, Sailor Venus. This past weekend another bunch of actors were added with Toby Proctor, Tuxedo Mask, Mary Long who voice Molly, Catsy and JunJun, Ron Rubin, Artemis and John Stocker, voice director for the movies and final two seasons.
All of these actors have done many other voice acting roles. This gathering is once again being billed as part of the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary which was first celebrated in February of 2012. This July the 20th celebration will be well into it’s third year. Will we continue celebrating Sailor Moon’s 20th Anniversary up until it’s 25th Anniversary? Only time will tell!