Sailor Moon The Super Live tickets are now available through presale

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon The Super Live

Fans looking to get tickets to the Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon The Super Live North American Tour can now get them through presale. Though general sales for these shows starts January 31st there is a special presale taking place now! Fans were invited to leave their name and e-mail address through the English language The Super Live web site. The idea was that this would result in them sending you a special code to participate in the presale from January 27th to the 29th. In reality I did this and I didn’t get any code. That said, the codes are out there so if you’re looking to get tickets you can check out the details on the Sailor Moon Fan Network page for the North American Tour which includes the codes needed for reserving tickets in your closest city. I picked up tickets to a showing in New York City through this method. The codes are usually something like “SAILOR”, “MOON”, “GUARDIAN” or “LUNA”. Also “JULIAN” whatever that’s about…

There have also been two new cities, Hartford, Connecticut and Columbus Ohio, which were recently added to the North American Tour. Will more dates be added to this? It certainly would have been nice to have showings in Toronto or Montreal but now that my tickets have been purchased, it’s a bit late for that!

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon The Super Live - Team America

The cast for the North American Tour has also been announced. The last time there were shows in the US they referred to them as “Team America” though I haven’t seen that term used yet. This may simply be because there has already been a Team America so they would need a different name to distinguish them so we can instead call them Team North American, even though none of the cities where the show is playing are outside of the United States of America.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Princess Kaguya's Lover musical - Minako and Rei

The main cast are returning actors who were in the Princess Kaguya’s Lover musical in 2021 as well as the 30th Anniversary Music Festival Chronicle from 2022. Reprising their roles are Riko Tanaka as Sailor Moon, Kanon Maekawa as Sailor Mercury, Rei Kobayashi as Sailor Mars, Kisara Matsumura as Sailor Jupiter and Marin Makino as Sailor Venus.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Princess Kaguya's Lover musical - Princess Snow Kaguya

Sayako Okamura will be playing Queen Beryl. She previously played Princess Snow Kaguya in the last two musicals, as Queen Beryl wasn’t in those stories.

Riona Tatemichi as Rubeus

Riona Tatemichi will play Tuxedo Mask, reprising her role from previous performances of The Super Live and the 30th Anniversary Musical Festival Chronicle. She’s played many roles in past musicals including Rubeus in Petite Étrangère, Hawk’s Eye in Amour Eternal and Taiki, Sailor Star Maker, in Le Mouvement Final.

Nogizaka46 x Sailor Moon musical Blu-Ray - Team Star - Luna and her Puppeteer

Luna will once again be a puppet who will be controlled by puppeteer Misato Matsumoto who portrayed her in a number of the Nogizaka46 musicals.

The cast will include dancers who portray monsters including Ayano Nagasawa and Ayumi Sagisaka who were in the Amour Eternal, Le Movement Final, Princess Kaguya’s Lover and 30th Anniversary Music Festival Chronicle, Minami Watanabe who was in the Nogizaka46 musical and newcomer Kana Yanagihara.

Have you gotten tickets to any shows yet?

The Sailor Moon Amour Eternal musical will be performed at Anime Matsuri in Houston in April

Sailor Moon Amour Eternal poster for Anime Matsuri

The first ever North American performance of a Sailor Moon musical will be taking place in Houston Texas during the Anime Matsuri convention in April. The news of this special performance of the Sailor Moon Amour Eternal musical was posted on the official Sailor Moon site and Anime Matsuri site last month. The specific date of the musical performance has not yet been announced but it will be during the convention weekend which takes place from April 7th to the 9th at the George R. Brown convention centre in downtown Houston, Texas. This may be a slightly modified version of the musical as the entire cast will not be present. At this time only the Sailor Guardians and Tuxedo Mask, with the exclusion of Chibiusa, will be in attendance. Notice that the poster specifically made for this event features all regular cast members but Airi Kanda who plays Chibiusa.

Fumio Osano aka Osabu aka Osa-P

In addition to the musical there will be many Sailor Moon themed guests. This includes Fumio Osano, Osabu, who is best known as the editor of the Sailor Moon manga. Also appearing are voice actors from the English versions of Sailor Moon Crystal and Viz’s new dub of the original Sailor Moon anime Cristina Vee, who plays Sailor Mars, and Christine Cabanos, who plays Sailor Saturn.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Amour Eternal Musical - The Sailor Team

Confirmed guests for the musical are Hotaru Nomoto, Sailor Moon, Yume Takeuchi, Sailor Mercury, Karen Kobayashi, Sailor Mars, Kaede, Sailor Jupiter, Rimo Hasegawa, Sailor Venus,
Syu Shiotsuki, Sailor Uranus, Sayaka Fujioka, Sailor Neptune, Mikako Ishii, Sailor Pluto, Karin Takahashi, Sailor Saturn, and Yuga Yamato, Tuxedo Mask. Also attending are dancers Risa Kawamura, Yoshimi Hidano, Ayano Nagasawa and Ayumi Sagisaka.

The next Sailor Moon musical, Amour Eternal, has a terrible name

Amour Eternal - Did you mean Amour éternel?

An update has been posted to the official Sailor Moon site which reveals the name of the latest musical, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Amour Eternal, as well as a complete cast listing. The new musical has been confirmed to be covering the Dream arc of the manga, adapted as Sailor Moon SuperS in the original Sailor Moon anime. This title is just the worst! Amour, as most probably know, is the French word for love. Eternal however is not French at all. It’s a full on English word. What the hell? Why not Amour éternel, which would actually be proper French? Are we supposed to pronounce it in French? It just sounds gross to say Amour Eternal. It’s just bastardizing two languages. It’s gross. The last two musicals all had fully French names. Is this supposed to be a misspelled French word or is this intentionally terribly mismatched English and French words? This is just bad and it will not stop bothering me and I will probably not be able to avoid mentioning how terribly stupid it is at least once in any post referencing this musical. This offends me as both and English and French speaking person and it should bother you too.

Everlasting love translates to Amour éternel

This title will just lead to more confusion on what the name means. Amour éternel would translate roughly to everlasting love or eternal love. I guess eternal is more the word we’re going for since it’s the actual English word in the horrible title.

Here’s an English translation of the cast, courtesy of Wikimoon:

Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon: Hotaru Nomoto
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury: Yume Takeuchi
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars: Karen Kobayashi
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter: Kaede
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus: Rimo Hasegawa
Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus: Syu Shiotsuki
Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune: Sayaka Fujioka
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Karin Takahashi
Sailor Pluto: Mikako Ishii
Sailor Chibi Moon/Chibiusa: Airi Kanda
Helios: Hikaru Hiyama
Queen Nehellenia: Sayu Otsuki
Zirconia: Kanami Sakai
Tiger’s Eye: Chihiro Ando
Hawk’s Eye: Riona Tatemichi
Fisheye: Yumi
Dead Moon Circus: Yoshika Kobayashi, Risa Kawamura, Yoshimi Hidano, Chiemi Doi, Ayano Nagasawa, Ayumi Sagisaka
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask: Yuga Yamato

Some newcomers and some repeat performances here. Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus are all new actors, as we’ve seen announced previously. We already saw that Yuga Yamato would return as Tuxedo Mask. Shuu Shiotsuki, Sayaka Fujioka, Mikako Ishii and Karin Takahashi will be reprising their roles as Sailor Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. Airi Kanda will also be returning as Chibiusa. Riona Tatemichi, who previously played Rubeus in the Petite Étrangère musical, will be playing Hawk’s Eye. The rest of the cast are newcomers to the musicals, as those characters have no appeared before.

We Are The New Pretty Guardians - The cast of the next Sailor Moon musical

We previously reported that Hikari Kuroki would play Ami Mizuno, Sailor Mercury. This role is now credited as Yume Takeuchi. I don’t know what prompted this change in casting, but this replacement was posted as a separate update on the Sailor Moon official site on the same day as this updated cast listing was shared.