John Stocker mentions that FUNimation will dub the new Sailor Moon anime

John Stocker mentioned that FUNimation will dub the new Sailor Moon anime

May 29th Update: In response to this claim FUNimation has mentioned that they do not hold the license for Sailor Moon.

With no official announcement about this information it should be treated as a rumour, but this clip is being provided as the full context for this comment. John Stocker, voice director for the Sailor Moon S and SuperS series of Sailor Moon as well as the movies, mentioned at a “Memories of the 80s” panel at Anime North 2013 that FUNimation has the rights to dub the new Sailor Moon anime. A short clip including this is shown below.

This is not an official announcement but it should be considered that John Stocker works in the voice acting industry and that this is the kind of information he may very well have come by when dealing with his professional contacts. Note also that it is mentioned that this has been in the works for three years now. If this is the case this may be referring what is or once was a redubbing of the original Sailor Moon anime rather than the new show, though it would stand to reason that regardless of what that means that whoever holds the rights to dub the original anime may very well also have the rights to dub the new Sailor Moon anime which we are currently expecting to begin airing later this year or early in 2014.

This information is consistent with what was mentioned by John Stocker in our interview with him at last year’s Fan Expo when he mentioned that he had heard about Houston as the place for this dub to happen but didn’t know if this was true. Since then he certainly seems much more sure of his answer.

Joining John Stocker in this panel is voice actor Susan Roman who provided the voice of Sailor Jupiter. The rest of this “Memories of the 80s” panel as well as the “Sailor Moon Voice Actors Q&A” recorded at Anime North 2013 in Toronto will be posted to the site as soon as possible.

Schedule of Sailor Moon related events at Anime North

Sailor Moon - Linda Ballantyne

Anime North 2013 is fast approaching. It will take place May 24th to the 26th in Toronto. As we’ve mentioned earlier there are four voice actors from the English dub of Sailor Moon in appearance, that being Linda Ballantyne, the voice of Sailor Moon from the later seasons, Katie Griffin, the voice of Sailor Mars, Susan Roman, the voice of Sailor Jupiter, and John Stocker who did many smaller roles but also worked as voice director for many later episodes and movies. The Anime North schedule is now online on their web site and we’ve combed through it to pick out all the relevant information related to Sailor Moon!

Sailor Mars - Katie Griffin

There are five panels featuring voice actors and staff from Sailor Moon.

Friday from 6:00 to 7:00 pm John Stocker will be part of the “Behind the Mic” panel which includes a few voice actors. This will take place in the Toronto Room.

Friday from 8:00 to 9:30 pm the panel “Ask an Anime Character” will include Linda Ballentine, Katie Griffin and Susan Roman as well as voice actor Trina Nishimura. This will also take place in the Toronto Room.

Saturday from 1:00 to 2:00 pm there are two panels taking place to compete for Sailor Moon fans’ time. John Stocker will join others in the “So Many Voices” panel in Plaza C while Linda Ballentine, Katie Griffin and Susan Roman will be doing the “Memories of the 80s” panel in Toronto Panels.

Saturday from 5:00 to 6:00 pm will be the “Sailormoon Voice Actors Q&A” in Toronto Panels. The guests are not mentioned by name in the schedule but I think we can take a guess at who might be in attendance.

Sailor Jupiter - Susan Roman

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Linda Ballantyne and John Stocker to appear at Anime North May 24th to the 26th

Linda Ballantyne, voice of Sailor Moon

Linda Ballantyne, the voice of Sailor Moon, and John Stocker, voice actor and director, will be at this year’s Anime North convention in Toronto the weekend of May 24th to the 26th. Head over to the Anime North web site to register for this convention before tickets sell out.

Linda Ballantyne joined the cast of Sailor Moon after Terri Hawkes left the show. She voiced the main character throughout the show’s 3rd and 4th seasons known in Japan as Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon SuperS.

John Stocker interview at Fan Expo 2012

John Stocker was involved with the show from the beginning doing small roles before ultimately working as voice director during the show’s later two seasons as well as the three movies. We previously interviewed John Stocker when we met up with him at Fan Expo 2012.

John Stocker interview at Fan Expo 2012

John Stocker interview at Fan Expo 2012

Here’s an interview with legendary voice actor and voice director John Stocker from Fan Expo in Toronto this past weekend.

John is known for many roles, perhaps most famously as Beastly from Care Bears. This interview focuses on his involvement in Sailor Moon, for which he provided many voices as well as voice directing for two seasons and three movies. John also talks about some of his more iconic roles, working in the industry throughout the years and gives some insight into being on either side of the microphone.

For more about John Stocker check out his web site

Keep an eye out on this site. We’ll have our Fan Expo interview with Katie Griffin, the voice of Sailor Mars, up in a few days.

Fan Expo supports Mars/Tux shippers with guests Katie Griffin and Toby Proctor

Rei blushes while looking at Mamoru

Fan Expo takes place in Toronto (that’s in Canada) August 23rd to the 26th and amongst their many guests will be two great voice actors from the Sailor Moon dub, Katie Griffin, voice of Sailor Mars, and Toby Proctor, voice of Tuxedo Mask. It’s great to see a convention of this scope supporting the Raye/Darien romance that was so prominent in the first season of the show! That’s right ladies, while your husbands are there to see Jason Priestly and Luke Perry you can check out something you’re interested in too!

Also in attendance will be John Stocker who was a voice director for the show in the later seasons who also did a few voices such as Raye’s grandfather and two monsters Mister Magic Pierrot and BiriBiri.

Rei lusting after Mamoru

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