Volume 11 of the Sailor Moon Manga is out now


Sailor Moon Manga Vol. 11 cover Sailor Chibi Chibi

Volume 11 of the Sailor Moon Manga’s new English edition by Kodansha is in stores and available online today. This book features Sailor Chibi Chibi on the cover, a character so shrouded in mystery that if I were to tell you who she is I would spoil the whole story for you! This book covers the beginning of the “Stars” arc, the final story arc of the Sailor Moon manga to be completed with the next volume. In this book we have the appearance of Chibi Chibi as well as the Sailor Starlights posing as the Three Lights. Buy this book through the Amazon link below to support our site.

The book as always comes with some nice looking colour pages. Check out a couple of previews of that below.

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