Kawaii Jupiter and Venus and District Jupiter shirts for sale at Arteesel and Limiteed

Kawaii Sailor Jupiter shirt at Arteesel

For the next few days there are a few great looking Sailor Moon shirts for sale at Arteesel and Limiteed. First we’ve got Kawaii Sailor Jupiter and Kawaii Sailor Venus for sale until the end of the day on Thursday April 24th from Arteesel for $12 a piece. There’s also District Jupiter, a Hunger Games/Sailor Moon shirt featuring Sailor Jupiter, for sale for $12 at Limiteed until 9pm EST Wednesday April 23rd.

Kawaii Sailor Venus shirt at Arteesel

The shirt’s artist, Machmigo, also designed Kawaii Mercury and Mars shirts, other Sailor Moon/Hunger games shirts and many more! Check out more of her stuff on her Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, tumblr or deviantArt page.

District Jupiter t-shirt at Limiteed