Anime North has announced two new guests Katie Griffin, the voice of Sailor Mars, and Susan Roman, the voice of Sailor Jupiter. They will join Linda Ballantyne, the voice of Sailor Moon, and John Stocker, voice director for Sailor Moon, at this year’s convention which will be held in Toronto the weekend of May 24th to the 26th.
Susan Roman is a veteran voice actor with a ton of credits to her name. She provided the voice of Lita, Sailor Jupiter, for her entire time in the series making her the only actress to voice one of the main Sailor Scout for the entire length of the series.
Katie Griffin has also done a great deal of voice acting. We met up with her at Fan Expo last year. Check out that interview. She provided the voice of Raye, Sailor Mars, for all but 16 episodes of the series making the actress appearing in the most episodes of the show.
With all of these Sailor Moon actors at the same convention we will be in attendance and hope to see you there. Weekend passes are sold out but individual passes are still available for all days.