Today Shirt Punch is selling this “Pretty Guardian Trainer Venus” shirt which is a mash up of Sailor Moon and Pokémon. The shirt is sold for $10 for but only for a 24 hour period, September 2nd. Unfortunately I only got around to posting this with 6 hours or so left in the day. The shirt has Artemis as Meowth, Ninetales, Rapidash with a moon on it’s forehead (also Artemis?) and an Ampharos which is so obscure I actually had to look up it’s name.
This shirt is designed by Izzy Faith who previously designed this “Winning Love” Sailor Moon shirt. For more of her stuff you can check out her modelling page or her new artist page. She has mentioned that this is the first in a series of sailormoonXpokemon designs so we’ll be sure to keep an eye out for more like this.