I am the danger that fights evil by moonlight! I am the middle schooler that wins love by daylight! I am … Sailor … Duck?
Here’s Drake Malard aka Darkwing Duck from issue #8 of Boom’s recent Darkwing Duck comic, dressed as Sailor Moon! This is hardly the only cameo in this issue, as a seemingly endless number of alternate Darkwing Ducks all appear and it seems any mildly relevant comic or pop culture character from the past several decades makes an appearance. Tron, Sherlock Holmes, Where’s Waldo and more and more and more and … more.
Just check out a few examples from just that frame:

Thanks to poster Twighligh Ghost for bringing this to my attention in a post in the otherwise deserted alt.fan.sailor-moon newsgroup.
This article was originally written for the Powet.tv website. You can find the original article here.