Meet two voices of Sailor Moon, Linda Ballantyne and Stephanie Sheh, and Tuxedo Mask, Toby Proctor, at Anime Weekend Atlanta September 24th to the 27th

Usagi and Minako as Sailor Moon

Voice actors from the original and new English dub of Sailor Moon will be appearing at Anime Weekend Atlanta this weekend, September 24th to the 27th in Atlanta, Georgia. The event will include Linda Ballantyne, the third voice of Sailor Moon and Toby Proctor, the second voice of Tuxedo Mask, both from the original English dub of Sailor Moon. Also in attendance will be Stephanie Sheh, the new voice of Sailor Moon in Viz’s English dub of Sailor Moon and the upcoming Sailor Moon Crystal dub. When is the last time two voices of Sailor Moon were at the same convention? It was at Otakon 2014.

Sailor Moon - Linda Ballantyne

The 4 day convention starts today so if you are in the area be sure not to miss it. For more information check out the Anime Weekend Atlanta web site.

Toby Proctor, the voice of Tuxedo Mask

Usagi and Minako as Sailor Moon