This weekend, October 25th to the 27th, is the Tamashii Nations event in Japan, an exhibit where they unveil many upcoming toys. At this year’s event we’re seeing a ton of Sailor Moon figures and toys which includes three PROPLICA toys based on Sailor Moon Eternal, an S. H. Figuarts Eternal Sailor Moon and five Figuarts Mini figures. This was revealed on the official Sailor Moon site and as the event has started, people have already gotten a look at these.
PROPLICA, a portemanteau of prop and replica, is a series of high quality show accurate props. We previously saw many transformation items and broaches based on the original Sailor Moon anime series from this collection. We now have the first PROPLICA items based on Sailor Moon Crystal as the “Eternal Edition” items which are based on the Sailor Moon Eternal films are being released. This includes the Crisis Moon Compact, Sailor Moon’s transformation item, the Chibi Moon Compact, Sailor Chibi Moon’s transformation item, and the Moon Kaleidoscope, Sailor Moon’s attack item from this arc. These are all based on the Dream arc of the manga, which is what is being adapted as the Sailor Moon Eternal films which are coming to Japan starting on September 11th 2020. Note that the name Moon Kaleidoscope is the manga name which we can confirm is being used for Sailor Moon Crystal, though that particular item was referred to as the Kaleidomoon Scope in the original Sailor Moon anime.
The latest figure in the S. H. Figuarts line is Eternal Sailor Moon. This figure is not specifically branded as being a Sailor Moon Crystal figure and is listed as being part of the Sailor Moon series, that meaning the original Sailor Moon anime. Though we have gotten S. H. Figuarts and Figuarts Zero figures based on Sailor Moon Crystal, these are specifically branded as such. This is a nice looking figure, as all of the S. H. Figuarts have been.
Finally we have a lot of Figuarts Mini figures from both the original Sailor Moon anime as well as from the Sailor Moon Eternal films. From Sailor Moon Sailor Stars from the original anime we have Sailor Star Fighter, Maker and Healer. From the Sailor Moon Crystal films Sailor Moon Eternal we have Super Sailor Moon and Sailor Sailor Chibi Moon. It seems feasible that we would also be seeing an Eternal Sailor Moon in this series at a later date, perhaps when the second film’s release approaches.
"Movie: Sailor Moon Eternal" edition PROPLICA & Figuarts mini by BANDAI SPIRITS!!
-Crisis Moon Compact & Chibi Moon Compact -Eternal edition-
-Moon Kaleidoscope -Eternal edition-
-Sailor Moon & Chibi Moon -Eternal edition-
[TAMASHII NATION 2019]#t_n2019— AmiAmi English (@AmiAmi_English) October 25, 2019
I had some wild speculation about what the black rectangle in the first image might be concealing but after seeing footage of the event it seems it’s just a monitor showing images we’ve seen.
Do you plan on buying any of these? Are you taking out a mortgage to do so?
huh that Moon Kaleidoscope suposed to be pink
Hey, yeah! Maybe it lights up pink or does some gimmick?
It could be based on the manga version which wasn’t pink but was crystal and filled with glitter and such.
This is most likely the version we’ll see in the new movie…that or this represents an uncolored prototype.
*Is suddenly dressed and poised like Kent Brockman from The Simpsons*
Well, I, for one, welcome our new colorless Kaleidoscope overlords!
Well, they certainly are more formal looking than the pink ones. Maybe not as fun looking, though.
yeah this is a Palatte Swap
Even though I don’t like the Eternal fuku (at least not the anime version) This looks really god! I want it!
For me, personally, being a Sailor Moon fan is often a simple self-conversation.
“That looks really neat!” *Opens wallet and a moth flutters out* “Too bad I can’t have it!”
“I’m a man of simple tastes. I’m always satisfied with the best.”
Oscar Wilde
True, I see it and hold up $25 eagerly and then realize this is a “premium” collectible for Japan… and it laughs at me (in Japanese) at my paltry funds, brandishing its much heftier price tag in derision.
“When I was young I thought money was the most important thing in life, now that I’m old – I know it is!”
Oscar Wilde
“When I was young, I never needed anyone, and making love was just for fun. Those days are gone.
All by myself. Don’t wanna be all by myself anymore…”
—Eric Carmen
“Forgive me guys for trolling your comments with Oscar Wilde quotes.”
Aurélia Wilde
-Oscar the Grouch
Now I want to see Usagi and Cookie Monster face off in an eating competition.
1 cookie, 2 cookie, 3 cookie…ahahah…they are eating too fast to count!
I decided to enter that eating competition.
Usagi and Cookie Monster are no match for me.
*I promise you, though, that after this competition I will go on a diet. This time I’ll do it, really. Really…. real… er, at leat I will try*
We still like you all the same!
Trust me, you’ll like me better when I kick my cholesterol out
. Diet willpower… WAKE UP!
Very nice.
Meh. All I want is a Proplica Eternal wand. Hopefully with that extension piece to it. I haven’t watched the last season in quite a long time so I forget what it’s called.
so The Moon kaledioscope got a Palette Swap like Pink in SuperS Anime and White in Eternal Movie right sorry i made a reply here because too many replies on other coment
Eternal Tier with Holy Moon Chalice.
I don’t know if you have seen this yet but Sailor Moon Stars Part 2 has appeared on Itunes
Price is $39.99 in Canada .
I don’t know when it first appeared
Thanks! This usually happens 2 weeks before the physical release. Forgot to look for it the other day!
It’s been a year since the Sailor Starlight figurines have been announced, does anyone know the release date?