The cast of voice actors playing the Amazon Trio has been announced! This past weekend was Otakon, an anime convention in Baltimore Maryland. At the convention there was a Moon Panel held by Viz in which they have announced the voice actors who will be playing the Amazon Trio. This includes John Eric as Tiger’s Eye, Michael Yurchak as Hawk’s Eye and Erik Scott Kimerer as Fish Eye. The Amazon Trio are basically pick up artists who target men and women in order to peak at their mirror of dreams once they’ve succeeded, or failed, at seducing them. Tiger’s Eye targets young women, Hawk’s Eye targets older women and Fish Eye targets men of all ages.
Having Erik Scott Kimerer play Fish Eye is a change as this character was previously voiced by Deborah Drakeford and portrayed as a woman in the original English dub of Sailor Moon. Fish Eye is a man in the Japanese version of the series but he looks quite feminine and often dresses like a woman which makes it easy for viewers to mistake his gender. He was likely made female to avoid having a gay character in the English dubbed version of the show as was done with Zoisite. Similarly Haruka and Michiru, Amara and Michelle in the dub, were made cousins to distract from their lesbian relationship. It is certainly good to see a gay character portrayed as it was originally intended. Seeing gay characters as villains is potentially concerning but in Sailor Moon when good and evil characters with varying sexuality are seen, this is not really a problem.
If there had been a woman provide the voice of Fish Eye would not necessarily have meant he wouldn’t be a man. Many male characters, usually children, have women providing their voices and it wouldn’t be out of character for Fish Eye to have a feminine voice. The character has been portrayed by women in numerous versions of the Sailor Moon musicals. Still it continues to be good that Viz’s new dub of Sailor Moon is more faithful to the original version with less changes to anger fans.
As with the announcement of Chris Niosi as Pegasus from a few weeks ago this applies to the Sailor Moon SuperS dub of the original Sailor Moon anime but, should the Dream arc of Sailor Moon Crystal ever be released in Japan and then dubbed by Viz, this will likely be the cast to voice these characters in that series as well. The last news out of Japan on that series is that the Dream arc will be released as two theatrical films.
Source: @Sailor_Moon_NA on Twitter
Oh, that pic from the ballet episode! That episode was a goofy chapter in a goofy season, but it may have been the one that sparked my interest in ballet (which was then put into a coma by my sisters and their interest in kids’ ballet films, and then revived in college. So excited for Giselle being done by the local company in spring).
Yeah, I’m glad that they’re having a man play Fish Eye. I’ll be interested in seeing if the character’s voice actor can do effeminate well.
Also, when are we getting an article on that clip of SMC Season III’s dubbed version floating around the Internet, Adam? We’ve been wanting your take on it!
Hm. I’ll check it out! Thanks for the tip.
Happy to help.
Finally, some news!
It’s great to see that finally a man will dub Fish Eye!!! In the end, Sailor Moon gets out of the censorship area…
I just hope Zirconia will be voiced by Veronica Taylor.

I’m European, so I don’t know Veronica Taylor, but I hope your wish will be fulfilled
Where the designs of characters of the movie or an comparation of house of Usagi SMC3 vs Movies?
Okay. Now who’s voicing Nehellenia, Zirconia and the Quartet?
What i find funny about Michael Yurchak voice Hawk’s Eye is that he voices Jet the HAWK in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
now that is funny, at least fish eye is a male voice this time around cant wait to see how much funnier that will be, guess we should be happy that we get this info as im sure the quartet will be in a second set if they keep up the 2 sets per season rule for the blu ray releases, but its 30 ish episodes closer to the starlights and that’s the season im looking forward to here