Today, June 30th, is Usagi’s birthday! To celebrate a special video has been released on the official Sailor Moon site which includes a bunch of junk no one cares about and a clip from the upcoming Sailor Moon Eternal movie! The clip shows Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon’s transformation sequence. You can watch the clip by viewing the embedded YouTube video below. I’ve cued it up to 2 minutes and 44 seconds when the footage starts.
What can I saw about this footage? It is obviously nearly identical to the transformation from Sailor Moon SuperS. Surely the Sailor Moon Eternal film, like Sailor Moon SuperS, is based on the Dream arc of the Sailor Moon manga so we should expect there to be some similarities but this is next level. Every turn and pose is replicated in this footage. The designs are updated but these are the movements we have already seen. Not convinced? Check out this side by side comparison!
The rest of the footage is just a slideshow of products which I suppose fans may find mildly interesting!
Sailor Moon Eternal Part 1 will be out in theatres in Japan starting January 8th. The second part will be out the next month on February 11th. We don’t yet have any details about an international release of the film.
Keep reading for more screenshots of the video.
The updated one is much sexier, faster cleaner and brighter than the original and it got the choir-induced orchestra music rather than to original’s quasi-disco theme to give the former an extra punch.
I can’t wait for Eternal to come out for the franchise’s 30th anniversary.
Yeah, I know. I hope we can finally give a first look on the reboot of Sailor Stars.
I hope they call it, “Sailor Moon Eternal 2.”
Since the SuperS movie split into two parts, should the next arc be called Sailor Moon Eternal Stars?
or Sailor Moon Crystal Season V: Stars
I don’t know if you call it an season since it might not an TV series. Do you count movie as TV seasons?
I don’t know if you count movie as TV seasons.
I have been staying positive. We only waited 5 years for season 4 I mean eternal. It feels like we waited an eternity. As much as I did not like season 3 at first due to the poster, but actually aside from some of the attacks, transformations and them reusing footage, it was not too bad I hope this is the case with these movies. I am so disappointed. Yes there were some things that made season 3 a little disappointing, but at least they did new transformations kind of for some of the characters. The coloring for these movies is flatter than season 3 and the animation is a terrible copy at least season 3 tried to do some new things even if they copied some of the animations. This is just terrible. The only nice thing I have seen so far is the original poster drawn with sailor moon and chibimoon from the pose that is in the manga. Everything after that has been a disappointment. That poster had so much life and he colors were not bad. So far, these animations have been the opposite of that poster. I knew just because these were movies they were not going to spend the time or money because it just is not always the case. The fact that they just started working on it even though they announced it centuries ago is a bad indication as well. I just cannot believe that I waited all this time just for this. They should have just continued as a tv series and tried some new animations for the stock footage. I cannot believe it, but it is what it is.
Are that really that disappointed by this? Sounds like you don’t have any hopes of the future of SM.
Kindof agree- what’s even the point of relaunching the show if you’re literally copying frame by frame… Toei’s really killed so much excitement for this franchise with their HORRIBLE handling of it. The animation problems in Season 1 (which actually ended up being season one and two but released at the same time?!?)
The YEARS between updates after season 3? That’s just abusive. And then randomly deciding season 4 would be two movies? Frame for frame transformations? What are they doing? It’s so incredibly discouraging in my opinion.
I thought the last poster they gave us was also really good. Really beautiful actually.
I’m going to back you up on this and say I couldn’t be more disappointed and to answer ‘Custom’ – I have very little hope for the future of Sailor Moon as an animated product. I have had this doubt since they released Crystal and nothing has changed that since. The characters are one-dimensional, the music forgettable and animation so lackluster I can’t remember the ‘style’ change between the 3 seasons. While the 90s ver. could be drawn out and -some- episodes poorly animated due to budget restrictions I would still praise the stylistic and interpersonal arc of the original. The music and art direction was also fantastic for its time. Sailor Moon was originally animated by fans and passionate artist, for fans. The only thing Crystal about the new arc is the crystal clear revelation that it is a cash cow with very low artistic investment and fan-appreciation. The only thing saving this revival is product re-release (which has been self-depreciating seeing as 85% of the toy/product release has been based on the 90s stylistic design). I am also disappointed by the modern fan’s inability to see what a disservice the revival has done to honor such an original and female empowering franchise. Of all the places it could have gone it went nowhere in regards to proper tribute or progressive development. Yet, fans love it. Perhaps I’m stuck a bit in 90s lore but at some point I have to ask if modern Anime has really lowered the bar for the quality of film we can expect.
I was hoping they would try to do things a bit more differently. Hopefully they don’t rely on SuperS-style footage too much.
It’s pretty…but after all that waiting I still kind of had a shred of hope they’d do better.
Precure isn’t my cup of tea, but let’s face it, the transformations in that always get a ton of love and Sailor Moon deserves some fresh new transformations after almost 30 years.
I’m mainly bitter that they gave us a 5-minute commercial to celebrate Usagi’s birthday and tacked this on at the end.
Toei has no shame.
Unlike others I’m not against copying 90s animations but the presented transformation in some moments feels like they just skipped frames – both girls move awkwardly stiff in comparison to old version, especially around moment when turning up against each other for skirts. Music is disappointing – it doesn’t have that catchy tune that completes it; the best example how that was achieved in the past is the violin theme of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto or Moon Cosmic Power. I did show both animations to my SO and while he’s not a fan, he said he likes SuperS more because it does have soul – the characters seem to be more alive than in Crystal.
The good thing is I believe, that they returned to recognizable eyes style. But again, that should be done since season 1 for this reboot to be successful but instead, Toei decided to treat Sailor Moon as unwanted kid.
I am ok with them copying thr transformation. I mean it is films, they won’t reuse them, they are not stock footage, so it is a nice way to not blow the budget on them. But then it is done so poor. The thwirls look horrendously stiff. The hair animation is worse tgan season 3, the shading is flat. The only think I like are the designs in motion. I hope they listen to fans and add some additional frames. They have 6 months. I hope they are saving the budget for all the other stuff that are hapening in the 4rd arc.
It is honestly pretty, it’s just underwhelming and makes me worry about the transformations for the others.
I was looking at the screenshots and except for Usagi’s odd face when she is facing Chibi-Usa, the screens are nice enough. I just wanted something with some wow factor.
OMG I completely agree Noname9q! The animation was very stiff! Were it not for the special effects, it kind of looked fan-made! This was a terribly stiff and lackluster version of the SuperS transformation…
I look forward to seeing this movie real soon.
In 6 months in Japan The rest of us might wait like 10 months, unless it leaks or something.
It’s quite pretty but nothing new. Actually now I’m going to wait to see the movie to judge.
“To celebrate a special video has been released on the official Sailor Moon site which includes a bunch of junk no one cares about”
Thank you, this made my day XD .
At least that video gave us something good that commercial art of Usagi that looks great and show the potential of these designs.
I am speechless…This was absolutely atrocious. Complete copy of the 90s anime transformation,the animation was so bad it looks like a fan made it and on top of that, RE-PURPOSED ANIMATION FROM SEASON 3!!?? REALLY!!??. I am disgusted. I genuinely hope those transformations aren’t from the movie cuz this was abysmal. I’m not even disappointed at this point, idk what i am feeling.
What did they re-purpose? The speech? It looked new even if it had very, very similar poses and movement.
The speech is completely retraced from seaso 3
All they did was change the art to fit the new style, it is clearly the same cut from season 3. The fact that they couldn’t hire Shida for a 5 second cut, i wouldn’t even care if he didn’t do the other senshi, but they couldn’t hire him for a 5 second cut?! That’s embarrassing. I would much rather bring the cgi transformation than this lame ass 90’s copycat
Oh, ok. Well, what’s wrong wit re-using the speech poses and movements with the new designs? In the original ’90s anime they re-used the same speech poses and movements for every single season!
Not only was the 90’s anime made a long time ago, but it was also a long running series with no breaks, so it is absolutely understandable for the 90’s anime to do it. But for sailor moon crystal? A seasonal series of the modern days, and also eternal which matter of fact, is a movie? It’s very very disappointing. It took them 5 years to trace a shida cut and produce the choppiest and lamest transformation in the history of sailor moon and that is the part that angers me the most
I see why you are angry, and get what you mean about the original anime’s excuse for the same speech animation. I am ok with the speech being the same in Eternal just because, I dunno, it’s a mere speech, she always makes the same poses. I see why you want it to be different every time, but I think it’s ok. The transformation though? Absolutely no excuse why it should look so horrible.
I can’t understand why Super S is such a sore point for sailor moon fans
There’s a big difference between SuperS and the Dream Arc in the manga, it and Stars are possibly the least like the manga of the five arcs.
If you took a shot for every difference you come across with the comparisons, you wouldn’t be able to drive. You might even risk serious health consequences. *Nods solemnly*
SuperS almost killed the anime series. The ratings dropped severely. That is why Stars got completely rebranded with new crew, new song, logo. The manga story arc that corresponds to it is considered by many the strongest.
Indeed. My liver hurts just thinking about it.
if this was the best they had going for them maybe its a good thing that covid delayed it like everything else, I know my tokusetu shows got delayed with no eta on when they are to be released… at least for that they were able to resume filming of kamen rider and super sentai so theres something I guess, and now today finding out that football is getting wonkie with the preseason but baseball and basketball are starting up??? god is it 2021 yet???
This transformation animation is pretty much like my chili con carne–sure, it hasn’t really changed much over the years, but it’ll fill me just fine. Still, maybe I should add a new ingredient…
“Still, maybe I should add a new ingredient…”
Ah, maybe you should start eating your chili con carne with a fork then? An exciting brand new experience ;p .
Still, I love your comparison!
Hmm! A fork! What a grand idea! I will let you know how it goes, next time I make chili! I’m serious.
So, lemme guess… You put some chili on the fork and then, proceed to brush your hair with it? I heard that chili con carne was a great hair conditioner
. You should definitely give it a try! And show us the result with pictures, of course
I will do that and get a photo for you, but not just for you! I will also do it for my own good!
Aurelia! That’s absurd.
You don’t use forks to comb hair, that’s what mermaids do!
Obviously you would put the chili on your hairbrush if you want to style your hair.
@ saintfighteraqua: No, look! Joseph agrees to try to comb his hair with a fork and chili con carne and show us some pictures! Because you know what? Our dear Joe is a merman! I knew it! He hid his true nature from us all along!
Well, the catfish is out of the bag, and I’m coming out of the water closet. I am, in fact, a merman. Gaze upon my beautiful scales!
And this, kids, is what we call a coming out (of the water closet, of course
), and an outstanding one for sure! And now you can cook your chili con escamas for us
That was so brave of you my man, i am so proud. I might just shed a tear cuz this is too beautiful.
How can I argue with this logic?
For all the faults of the original SuperS, it was at least one of the best looking seasons. What I just watched here was not in the same league.
I agree with A.J the original super s was visually stunning. Although it dragged on for awhile the villains were actually funny for a change and while Helios is a controversial topic given Chibusa’s age he remains one of my favorite male characters and I think probably inspired Mewto in Princess Tutu since same some of the same animation team was used.
I agree. SuperS was pretty and still holds up pretty well (even if the story was bleh.)
Yeah, bleh story aside, I think there are plenty of things to positively speak about the season. I, personally, would be remiss if I didn’t point out to some very fine music, for example.
Wow, for once other people actually disliked something I disliked…! LMAO I’ll just add – “It is obviously nearly identical…” …except for worse designs, much worse animation, and MUCH worse music. Search Results
Actually the music was the one thing I liked better than the original.
Yeah i agree. The only thing i liked on the clip is the music.
I’m glad we both liked the music!
i also saw the same from that video in this link
whos forgot put dress
i also saw the same dress from that video in this link
How hard is it to make an amazing transformation scene? Apparently, it is too hard to do, so they poorly copied the 1990’s version. The lack of any sound effects, aside from a few little twinkle, twinkles just doesn’t cut it. Who is directing, obviously not a fan of the series. The animation is choppy and not entertaining at all. It needs more power behind it. Right now it’s just a pink powder puff of a transformation.
Why wasting their new ideas on Sailor Moon. We all know all they care for and put effort into is Pretty Cure. All the passion goes there. CRYSTAL/ETERNAL was on non budget in s1 and 2 and after that got artistically bankrupt. Season 3 was like “let’s show how would Pretty Cure look like without budget. And Eternal is like let’s copy the old 30 year old show, by making everything flat, stiff and say it is the premium film experience.
1. AKA Glitter Force for the Pretty Cure part and 2. 28 not 30 for the copy part
Same. 28 – 30 they did it way better back then. I would have been ashamed by the comparison.
30 is not until 2022
Couldn’t agree more. I wish fans would ‘Sonic’ this production and put up such a fight as to force the studio to scrap and re-do the entire project but I’ve seen so much complacency and willingness to eat it up, just because it’s Sailor Moon, that there is 0 chance of this happening. *Sigh
Even if the whole fandom raised their voice, there is a slim-to-no chance any action would be taken. The movies are most likely done already (the first one at least) and Toei is a corporation after all, this is all just business, they care about profit not pleasing people. We ate those first two seasons up even tho the quality was.. not great to say the least. They understand how this works, they understand that sailor moon has a large fanbase, they understand that they will make a shit ton of profit from it and they will choose the cheapest rout to do so
Yeah, I get that fans can complain too much, but seeing as we are the ones lining Toei’s pockets, they really should give us better.
I’m in the camp that thinks Sailor Moon deserves the best treatment, better than Precure (though I don’t really mind Precure)
I see these other Mahou Shojou animes getting like three transformations and multiple attacks each season and it makes me angry that the best Sailor Moon can expect is traces of old art and little effort in making them stand out from what we’ve seen.
I wasn’t a big fan of the Crystal Season 3 henshin for Usagi, but at least it was kind of new.
Maybe I’m weird, but I actually preferred all the Crystal Season 1 and 2 henshins to Season 3’s (except Sailor Chibi Moon’s). I know they were CGI, but they were cel-shaded CGI and when I saw the first episode I actually didn’t realize Sailor Moon’s was CGI until people on the interwebs talked about it! Anyway, I would have liked Sailor Moon’s Season 3 henshin if her brooch glowed!!! It opened up to show the inside and then…it did nothing. Also, I didn’t like seeing the back of Sailor Moon when the first part of her suit came together. At least in this Dream Arc henshin, I feel the brooches glowing/flashing and seeing the first part of their suits coming together from good sides…happened. Not animated well, but happened. If we are talking what animation was best, well no duh it was the Season 3 henshins for Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon.
It’s like Toei just took old animation and slapped on new colors, effects, and music.
And not in a good way. At all. Their bodies and hair are, I don’t know how to say it, choppy? Blocky. That delicate flow is missing. And too reliant on the CG effects. Strong CG for a production such as this should be an accentuation to the film, not a cover-all.
I completely agree Sarah.
I couldn’t be more disappointed and have very little hope for the future of Sailor Moon as an animated product. I have had this doubt since they released Crystal and nothing has changed that since. The characters are one-dimensional, the music forgettable and the animation so lackluster I can’t remember the ‘style’ change between the new seasons. While the 90s ver. could be drawn out and -some- episodes poorly animated due to budget restrictions, I still energetically praise its stylistic and interpersonal arc. The music and art direction was also fantastic for its time, memorable and beloved to date. Sailor Moon was originally animated by fans and passionate artists for fans. Sweat and blood and real creativity. The only thing ‘crystal clear’ about the new arc is the revelation that it is a corporate cash cow with very low artistic investment and fan-appreciation, saved in only in part by the toy/product re-release (which, regardless, has been self-depreciating seeing as 85% of the toy/product re-release has been based on the 90s stylistic design). I am also disappointed by the modern fan’s inability to see what a disservice the revival has done to honor such an original and female-empowering franchise. Of all the places it could have gone it went nowhere in regards to proper tribute, originality or progressive development. Yet, fans love it. How? Perhaps I’m stuck a bit in 90s lore but at some point I have to ask if modern Anime has really lowered the bar for the quality of film we can expect. Even though the end of the 90s arc was off-book the characters new and old were entirely lovable and their interactions compelling. When taking their time animators created very beautiful scenes of animated artistry that only improved with each season. The three original movies and episode specials were gorgeous, perfect. For the 90s the developmental trajectory was always on an upward trend. Crystal started at a low level and has failed to gain any positive traction since. This new ‘special release’ proves that the production company has little to contribute to a franchise that needs only two things: a continuation of the 90s arc with the same stylistic quality and occasional updates, or a complete soft flowing word for word animated manga version that isn’t confused about its identity between new and old.
Nobody really wants a continuation of the 90s arc. I swear there is like 1 guy who wants and is everywhere… Why mudding the perfect 90s show, continuining it with digital trash animation? It did bad on Sakura and the story was way overdue in SuperS and Stars anyway. They had the nice idea adapting the manga but it failed because such adaptation needs expansion and a bit more character driven episodes. A continuation of the 90s show could have only ruined it as with every continuation after such a long time.
Don’t continue the 90s storyline, or regurgitate constantly. Hm. I respect your opinion, but I guess I am that “one guy”!
Well, I definitely agree about the jarring difference of animation, yeah, now that I think about it. I guess I’d settle for printed media.
Like everyone loves the 90s anime and sure we want more of the characters on theory. But what if it sucks and it is suddenly part of it? After such a long time, it will feel different and probably awkward. Plus where could the story goes?
They could take do a totally new story arc, the anime leaves the story pretty open to that, even though Galaxia made a pretty good final villain.
But I would only really want this if the old team came back as much as possible and put their heart into it.
Well, pre-Crystal, I would have been all about a manga adaptation, and I still think a good manga adaptation would be great.
But now, I’m kind of in the mindset that a true successor to the 90’s anime might be more fun. New stories, new transformations, and the same feel-good characters we had then.
I guess I fall into the “Gimme both!!!” group.
I’m also that one guy. But it looks like there’s not one guy
I wanted a series that adapted the manga but let things sink in and characters be 3-dimensional and the story be well told, with the best and prettiest television animation they could possibly get. I even dreamed of the highest quality film animation, just used on episodes instead of films.
I love the manga. I love the characters, true they are not as developed as the ones in the 90s, but they are not as empty as in Crystal. Munehisa Sakai removed so much comedy and character moments. Kon is doing much better balancing the tone, sadly she chose these hideous Akira Takahashi designs. Now with Eternal she brought Tadano back, the characters are both cute and pretty, but I guess they had slow start with the project, due to the problems with the script, and now they are rushing the animation. I still think it is fine, if they also have individual Moon and Chibi Moon henshin
This makes me sad :’-(
I’m so glad to see that it only took the animators 3 years to reproduce the exact same poses and movements in the transformation sequence. Yes, hiring a choreographer or movement director would have cost more money, but at least it would have been original.
I prefer the 1995 transformation sequence. This new one doesn’t add anything and actually removes quite a few frames at the end.
There are missing frames in the whole thing.
Aren’t we gonna get any July news?
Nope. It is too early now. There is 6 months till the release
More like less than 6 months to be exact.
Not that, I mean are they gonna put news on July 2020?
Like I already said it is too early.
nope not yet for Sailor Moon
Maybe! Been a busy couple of weeks.
yeah it’s lots of news for other Magical Girls Animes and not Enough News for Sailor Moon in anime news network sor far in this month
Could we make a petition to get Toei to animate this better? Could we start a Kickstarter to raise money to give them to hire a good animator to do it? Maybe the same guy who animated the Season 3 Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Moon transformations?
Toei makes millions off of Precure and One Piece, not to mention the merchandise sales from DB and Sailor Moon.
I definitely want better animation and agree with you there, but it shouldn’t be up to we the fans to pay for it.
I also wouldn’t trust Toei with any Kickstarter funds, to be honest, they’d probably blow it on marketing or something.
Aw, that’s a shame. Well, it was just an idea. I am torn between wanting these movies to bomb so they will pour more money into making them better, or wanting them to do really well so they want to keep making them.
By the way saintfighteraqua, we seem to have similar interests (Sailor Moon, Cinderella, Glinda?) and I thought it would be cool to become friends. If I gave my crappy email address that I don’t use often, would you email me lol? It’s ok if you say no, I mean I am a stranger.
Kixkstarters are not so easy to organise. In fact it adds so much to a production that very few go this route.
I wouldn’t mind corresponding, but to be honest I rarely ever use email for that either, so I’m not sure when I’d get on there and write. XD
Yeah, I love Sailor Moon, Disney (especially the princesses…especially Cinderella and Oz, which has been an obsession since I was a little kid.
You guys can always add me on Instagram, if you want, I get on there at least once a week.
My username is the same on there as it is on here. Sometimes I post art, but mostly just photos of me and the four-leaf clovers I find.
I’m so into that stuff since I was a kid, too. Oh, that is cool that you do that on Instagram. I realize email’s not a good idea to post because it would be here forever for anyone to send stuff too lol. I followed you and I am magicduster3.
Thanks. I followed you, too.
Thanks! By the way I messaged you. I was just wondering if you got it. I just wanna make sure I know how to use messaging right lol.
They would take the money and use it to produce other anime. Nobody can guarantee u that the money will not be abused for the sake of a greater income for toei. And also, the movies are most likely done my now so even if we started that the money would definitely not be going to the movies anyway.
Oh. Ok. Well thanks guys for telling me how it would probably go.
Toei hasn’t been giving us much information lately. Like I’d like a full trailer instead of just a small teaser.
i Agreed Stephanie Kay Shockley