Toon Makers’ Sailor Moon’s Queen Beryl, Tuxedo Mask and … Rhett Butler?

Toon Makers' Sailor Moon cel - Queen Beryl (Saban Moon)

More and more cels from the Toon Makers’ Sailor Moon show (known to many as Saban Moon) have been popping up on ebay giving us a look at many previously unseen characters. Now we’ve got a look at Queen Beryl, Tuxedo Mask and a monster which looks suspiciously like the monster that fat alley cat and Rainbow Crystal holder Rhett Butler turned into.

Queen Beryl looks just weird. She doesn’t look human, though the original Queen Beryl has no non human features. Her skin is blue, which is just bizarre. Her shoulders are excessive and she just looks angry! Many auctions for cels like this one are selling for $99.99.

Toon Makers' Sailor Moon cel - Darian, Tuxedo Mask, giving Sailor Moon her Star Pendant (Saban Moon)

We finally get a good look at Tuxedo Mask … sort of. Though Tuxedo Mask is not named in the script Darian is, which is no doubt the same character that would become Darien in the English dub. He is shown giving Sailor Moon her Star Pendant. Though the cels up for auction such as this one don’t show his face one of them has a sketch of his face visible behind the cel. That’s all we get for now but I’m sure more will pop up. Darian doesn’t look anything like Tuxedo Mask, but more like a Disney Prince. Maybe he was never meant to don his Tuxedo in this version.

Toon Makers' Sailor Moon cel - Sketch of Werewolf - Rhett Butler as Youma Bakene (Saban Moon)

One very peculiar monster, referred to as “Werewolf” in the item description bears a striking resemblence to the monster Bakene from episode 31 of the anime. Bakene was the monster which appeared when the Rainbow Crystal was extracted from the fat cat Rhett Butler that fell in love with Luna in a hilarious episode. Auctions exist for a cel showing this monster from behind as well as a sketch showing it’s face. The similarities are striking and include the two toned fur, the look of the face and claws and even stuff like the bracelets and necklace which are downright identical to those worn by the monster in the original Sailor Moon anime. Where this monster comes into the story is not clear as it is not seen in the clip or mentioned the script.

Toon Makers' Sailor Moon cel - Werewolf - Rhett Butler as Youma Bakene (Saban Moon)Rhett Butler the cat as Youma Bakene

Finally there are a few auctions, such as this one, for cels showing the lava monster which who can be seen in the infamous music video of the show.

Toon Makers' Sailor Moon cel - Lava monster (Saban Moon)

One forum poster learned from one of these auction sellers that there are hundreds of these cels to put up for sale so we certainly have not seen the last of the Toon Makers’ Sailor Moon show! Stay tuned…

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4 thoughts on “Toon Makers’ Sailor Moon’s Queen Beryl, Tuxedo Mask and … Rhett Butler?

  1. Pingback: Sailor Moon: Episodes 31 – 35 » Filthy Digital Ramblings

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