Album art, track listing and more artist information for the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Memorial Tribute Album

Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Memorial Tribute album cover

The Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Memorial Tribute Album official site has been updated with the album art, a full list of the tracks and a list of some of the artists on this album which will be released in Japan on January 29th. The songs, listed below, are mostly opening and ending themes from the series. No real surprises there.

Moonlight Densetsu (Moonlight Legend) – Original opening theme
Heart Moving – First season 1 ending theme
Princess Moon – Second season 1 ending theme
Otome no Policy (Maiden’s Policy)- Sailor Moon R ending theme
La Soldier – From the Sailor Moon musicals and Sailor Moon R
Ai no Senshi (Soldier of Love) – From Sailor Moon R and S
Tuxedo Mirage – Sailor Moon S ending theme
“Rashiku” Ikimasho (I’ll Go As Myself)- Second Sailor Moon SuperS ending theme
Sailor Stars Song – Sailor Stars opening theme
Kaze mo Sora mo Kitto… (The Wind, The Sky, Surely…) – Sailor Stars ending theme

We now know of 6 artists who will be doing songs for this album. We still don’t know what artists will be performing which songs. Three of these artists were discussed when news of this album first became available. You can read this article from November to learn more about Momoiro Clover Z, the all girl band currently slated to do the theme song for the new anime, Mitsuko Horie, who provided the voice for Sailor Galaxia, and Shoko Nakagawa, a Japanese singer who has covered a number of Sailor Moon songs and often cosplays as Sailor Moon characters. Keep reading for more details on the three other artists Mariko Goto, Haruko Momoi and Tommy Heavenly6.

Mariko Goto m@u

Mariko Goto was the guitarist and vocalist for Japanese punk band “Midori” from 2003 until they disbanded in 2010. She began a solo music career in 2011 and has since released two albums.

Haruko Momoi wearing a Power Glove

Haruko Momoi is a Japanese singer, song writer and voice actress. She has appeared in a number of anime series and video games and has been doing music since 2000 as a solo artist and as part of the duo Under17. In addition to vocals Haruko Momoi also plays the keytar.

Tommy heavenly6

Tommy Heavenly6 is the punk rock alter ego of Tomoko Kawase, a Japanese vocalist. Tomoko Kawase began her career as the lead single for The Brilliant Green in 1995. She began her solo career in 2001 under the pseudonym Tommy february6 and then in 2003 began performing a more alternative punk kind of music as Tommy heavenly6

Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Memorial Tribute Album vendor specific stckers

There will be different stickers packaged with the album depending on which retailer it’s purchased from. If you want all of these stickers you only have to buy this album 10 times! The images shown are mentioned to be samples, though they are almost all images which match album art for the Sailor Moon Memorial Music Box CD set which was released in 1998. The Yamano Music’s sticker featuring Chibiusa and Diana differers from the Chibiusa cover in the Memorial Music Box.

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3 thoughts on “Album art, track listing and more artist information for the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Memorial Tribute Album

  1. Pingback: Sailor Moon cumple su 20° aniversario de manera especial | HelloJK

  2. Pingback: Preview all tracks from the upcoming Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Memorial Tribute Album | Sailor Moon News

  3. The listing about the track given in this page is really helpful for us find the important one. The album list given will help to see the best ever in the industry. Thanks for sharing these information or the listing with the readers.

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