Today is the day that fans have been anticipating for … well a few months I suppose. Sailor Moon S Complete 3rd Season releases today online and in stores. This set, like the two others which came before it, has updated video quality better than the sets released many years ago. Is it worth upgrading? I can’t tell you what to do but I’ve been happy to pick up these sets and am enjoying rewatching the series for the first time in a bit. We all need something to do while we wait for Sailor Moon Cosmos after all. You can support the site by buying the set using the Amazon link below.
This set, like others released by Viz, includes the new English dub, Japanese audio with English subtitles and many special features. Are you picking this set up? What’s your favourite part of the Sailor Moon S season?
My favorite part of S is the lesbians. I used your affiliate link.
Next year we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Sailor Moon S (1994).
I got mine yesterday. As someone who previously never bought the home video releases, I’m thankful for them being rereleased now. Just waiting on SuperS and then I’ll have a complete collection.
and Stars
and Stripes
already gotten some july news like finally just one but when we going to get some August News
What about October news? I need to know news before it happens!
Be quiet, you imposter!
It’s August.
In August.
I hope in August they announce the English release of Sailor Moon Cosmos.