Yesterday we reported that a number of online retailers were offering Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Part 2 as a digital download but that it was not available on Amazon Prime Video. Though it was not listed along with the rest of the series, the final 17 episodes of the season are in fact listed on the site. Fans looking to buy these digitally from Amazon Prime Video can support the site by using the link below.
I don’t believe this is a new addition, but simply something I didn’t notice previously. When one looks at the Amazon Prime Video page for Sailor Moon it only lists up to season 501, Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Part 1. This is what I originally looked at to try to find if the new episodes were available. Part 2 is listed on a totally different page which is likely why I hadn’t seen it.
For those who’ve gotten the digital version, what do you think? If you’re still looking to buy the physical release on November 12th you can support the site by pre-ordering it using the links below.
The way this show has been handled digitally is not great. Though, I guess if you only want one dub or the other it could save some money.
Also, does anyone know if this is Movies Anywhere compatible? I know that most series are not.
I read your comment, start to finish, with Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch of the West’s voice (in my head). And it was glorious!
Yeah, I agree. As for your Movies Anywhere question, I don’t know for certain.
Yes, yes, all according to plan!
Not even sure how to check that! As a Canadian I’ve only ever seen one of my digital copies on movies anywhere (Detective Pikachu).
My guess is it is not, since anime series I do own on Vudu and Amazon are not Movies Anywhere.
I have the English dub of the Sailor Moon R Movie (which never included the original Japanese track, for some reason) in my iTunes library, so I just checked my Movies Anywhere account to see if it moseyed off over there. Nope! My Movies Anywhere catalog is thoroughly uncontaminated by Sailor Moon.
I was watching episode 193 a few times and I think I might know who is really voicing Sailor Lead Crow. She sounds a lot more like Tsunade from Naruto. And accordingly Anime News Network said that Andi Rich’s birth name is Debi Mae West. Could it be?
Andi Rich is indeed one of Debi Mae West’s other names, and she also voiced Tsunade:
I’ll bet Viz tried to stump us on that one. I noticed that Lead Crow sounded like Tsunade and for some reason, Lucky from Disney’s 101 Dalmatians series.
It’s maybe just that Debi Mae West likes using different artist names
Good catch!
Thanks to both of you! That’s one mystery solved!
Episode 192 of Sailor Moon is not on the dub of
I got all episodes on my PC
Plus is this Post a Follow-up of Previous Post
It’s finally here! Now I’m just wondering when a box set of all the seasons will be released. Anyone have any idea?
They going to be annouced in Anime NYC This Weekend