Here’s a music video by Instagram influencer Yuranis León which is called Sailor Moon and has the words Sailor Moon in the lyrics and even has the words Sailor Moon appearing on the screen though I’m not sure what, if anything, it has to do with Sailor Moon.
I don’t think I have a very good explanation for what this is or even who Yuranis León is. As far as I can tell she is an Instagram influencer which I think means she has a popular Instagram account but doesn’t have any sort of “normal” job for which people follow that account other than is just being a very popular account. This is a thing which happens now and I am an old person who does not understand the world I live in. Yuranis León has recently released a music video “Sailor Moon” which is very popular. It has nearly 10 million views on YouTube which is more than many recording artists can hope to get. I suppose this makes her a singer, though her popularity predates this activity as far as I can tell.
So what does this have to do with Sailor Moon? I’m not sure. It seems as if this was a video made by someone who had heard the name Sailor Moon but had no real idea what it was. Everything is pink though Sailor Moon isn’t really about pink things. In the back of the video where Yuranis León spends some time dancing is something which looks like a toy box but this seems to fit more with Barbie than Sailor Moon. If this song had been about Barbie I think it would have worked about as well or maybe a bit better. She has a cat and Sailor Moon also has a cat though this cat doesn’t look much like Luna. The cat does resemble the fluffy white cat Luna from the Toon Makers’ Sailor Moon series though! Could that be a reference? Almost certainly not. Her name is Yuranis which is sort of like Uranus? Not really.
Following my posting of this article Aurélia, a fan who frequently comments on the posts here at Sailor Moon News, added a translation to the lyrics. They have many more references to Sailor Moon than I expected! It seems like the song itself is heavily related to Sailor Moon while the music video itself doesn’t really match the lyrics. Here is her translation:
Somos las Sailor, las Sailor Scouts
[We are the Sailor, the Sailor Scouts]
Que llegamos todas a salvar al mundo
[Who all come to save the world]
A salvar el mundo de todas las malignas
[To save the world from all the Youma]
Porque somos las Sailor Scouts, las Sailor Moon
|For we are the Sailor Scouts, the Sailor Moons]
Las Sailor Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon
[The Sailor Moons, etc.]
Fuego de Marte, enciéndete, enciéndete
[Mars fire, ignite, ignite]
Burbujas de Mercurio, estallen, estallen
[Mercury bubbles, blast, blast]
Rayo creciente de Venus, fulmina, fulmina
[Crescent beam of Venus, strike, strike]
Curación lunar acción, curación lunar acción
[Moon Healing Escalation, Moon Healing Escalation]
Ay, me transformaste
[Oh, transform me!]
What do I even tag this in? It doesn’t reference any particular incarnation of Sailor Moon. I’ve chosen “Reference” but I’m not sure there’s even anything that would pass for a Sailor Moon reference in here. It’s just using the words “Sailor Moon”. I can’t really tag it in “Fan Community” because I haven’t seen any evidence that Yuranis León is a fan. I guess she must be to use the name Sailor Moon in this song. Whatever. I watched it. Now you have to watch it. If you have Sailor Moon fan friends who you hate you can send this to them so that they have to watch it too.
Thanks to @JulioDHH on Twitter for spotting this one. He asked fans to flag it and instead I’m sharing this with a bunch of fans which probably isn’t what he would want but here we are. Forgive me Julio!
So I found the lyrics and translated them to practice my Spanish. For most of them, Yuranis León just took the attack phrases the Sailor Scouts pronounce in the Spanish version of the series, like “Fuego de Marte ¡Enciéndete!”, “Burbujas de Mercurio ¡Estallen!”, “Rayo de Venus ¡Fulmina!”, and “Curación Lunar ¡Acción!” (just a question: why isn’t Jupiter mentioned in her song? Poor of her…). So nothing really comes from her in terms of lyrics… Well, I’m not going to comment the song (music, singing skills…) in itself, it reminds me of Lilbootycall’s “Sailor Moon”, so…
And I’m not going to say what I really think of so-called “influencers” either…
Somos las Sailor, las Sailor Scouts
[We are the Sailor, the Sailor Scouts]
Que llegamos todas a salvar al mundo
[Who all come to save the world]
A salvar el mundo de todas las malignas
[To save the world from the villains]
Porque somos las Sailor Scouts, las Sailor Moon
|For we are the Sailor Scouts, the Sailor Moons]
Las Sailor Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon
[The Sailor Moons, etc.]
Fuego de Marte, enciéndete, enciéndete
[Mars fire, ignite, ignite]
Burbujas de Mercurio, estallen, estallen
[Mercury bubbles, blast, blast]
Rayo creciente de Venus, fulmina, fulmina
[Crescent beam of Venus, strike, strike]
Curación lunar acción, curación lunar acción
[Moon Healing Escalation, Moon Healing Escalation]
Ay, me transformaste
[Hey, you transformed me]
“A salvar el mundo de todas las malignas
[To save the world from the villains]”
=> It’s rather “To save the world from all the villains”
Also, I’ve just found out that “las Malignas”, in the Spanish version of the anime, are in fact the Youma.
Oh wow. Sounds like the lyrics have a good amount to do with Sailor Moon even though the video doesn’t! Thank you. Mind if I update my post with this?
No, I don’t mind at all! Just don’t forget to update your post with my two corrections
Thank you.
You’re welcome!
However I think there is an ultimate correction to bring to my translation
: “Ay, me transformaste” is not “Hey, you transformed me” as I first thought but I’d rather think it’s “Oh, transform me!”
As you know, in French, the Sailor Senshi say “Transforme-moi !”, but in English, it is “Make up!”
So if you want to bring the correction in your post, I don’t know what your choice will be between “Oh, transform me” which is the litteral translation of León’s sentence, and “Oh, make up” to appeal to the English-speaking fans of Sailor Moon.
*Nipticking grammar nazi captain flies away*
Accuracy works here! Thanks.
“Me transformaste” actually does mean “you transformed me.” The Spanish word for “transform me” would be “transfórmame.” This is all based on Aurélia’s lyrics, as I haven’t seen the video myself. Thank you, Adam, for introducing me to today’s generation of celebrities!
Thank you Wiseman for correcting me! So my first thought was good. Poor Adam, I guess he will have to edit my text again :s !!!
Also, I found the Spanish lyrics somewhere on Internet, and they fit to what she says in the song, so only my translation might be wrong at some points. I took Spanish lessons during 7 seven years but it was long ago, so my command of Spanish has sure rusted over the time…
On YouTube, I was suggested a Columbian radio program with Yuranis León (here;, in which her knowledge of Sailor Moon is tested. She was asked three questions about Sailor Moon, with too options for each of them. The first options were the good answers; while the second ones were the false—and incredibly stupid—answers. No need to say that Yuranis León picked up the three good answers. That Q&A was not interesting at all. This is not, it seems, a serious radio program. I’m not currently able to understand everything they say, because there are parts that are spoken too fast, but still, here are the questions and their answers:
1) What is the name of Sailor Moon’s creator?
A) Naoko Takeuchi
B) Lutchiki Tamagotchi
2) In the first adaptation of Sailor Moon [which one? I guess it’s the classic anime…], what color was the underwear of the first Sailor Moon?
A) White
B) Black
3) Usagi Tsukino was a Junior High School girl that had no interest in studies, and met a black cat [here the interviewer talks of a “gata negra”, i.e. a black female cat]. What was the particularity of that black cat?
A) Her (Luna) power was that she could defeat enemies
B) She could eat space mice
Also, am I the only one who spotted the reference to Barbie in León’s music video?
Makes sense! I mentioned it reminded me of a Barbie doll box but didn’t realize the similarity was this close!
My bad! You were the first to spot that Barbie reference
. I read your post too fast. My apologies!
maybe soon i get info about the digital downloads like on November 4th
I’m trying to force the “Fighting evil by moonlight” lyrics onto this song’s beat, but I’m struggling. I’m also struggling to look away from her wardrobe. I seem to be having trouble with things today in general.
I tried listening but I had to shut it off. My ears!
What a world, what a world! *melts away*
I guess we are all getting old if these influencers make no sense to us. I guess it’s like the Kardashians and Jersey Shore and all those garbage MTV shows just without TV?
Sure. Even then there’s some reason for which they were popular like them having successful parents (OJ lawyer & Olympic Athlete) but yeah… out of touch!
I’m rocking out to music from the 1930s, which was decades before I was born. I’m caught somewhere in the space-time continuum…
It’s not Doctor Who, it’s Doctor Jho! :p
YES. I am a lonely Doctor Jho without a Companion, but I’ve got a screwdriver. That isn’t… a Sonic Screwdriver. … Hm. *jiggles the screwdriver until it turns into Sonic the Hedgehog as a screwdriver* Close enough.
But… but… aren’t we your Companions? Because, I thought we were… I thought we were friends… Okay then, I’ll let you walk your own path, lonely wolf! You *screwed* up, by pretending that we were friends all this time. It’s hard and disappointing, but I can only accept that you chose to *exterminate* our so-called friendship.
Boohoo! :”(
You can guilt trip me all you want, woman! But it won’t work! … Actually, it will. I apologize for my momentary lapse of sensitivity and invite you and others as Companions.
It’s not Doctor Who, it’s Doctor Jho!
And you were trapped in the space-time continuum by Sailor Pluto…
Fortunately, I love Pluto! Well, probably not as much as you, but I like her very much. <3
Sailor Moon Eternal has an official site since today. While completely empty for now, we have some news. Toei are collaborating with Studio Deen for the movies. Deen are hit or miss studio, but tey also have their share or good series and most of teir films are well done.
I don’t understand how anyone could think this way about Sailor Moon to make a music video like that. I could not make it through the video it was so revolting and I will try to foget it exists.