The Infinity arc ends this week! Sailor Moon Crystal Act 38, Infinity 12 – Infinite – Journey, will air on Japanese TV Monday June 27th at 11pm Japan Standard Time. Immediately afterwards it will be streamed on Crunchyroll, Neon Alley and Hulu starting at 10:30am. This is the final episode in the current story arc. After this we will likely not have any new episodes for a while. Some viewers have remained optimistic that we will be following directly into the Dream arc next week but I don’t think this is likely. We have received no official confirmation that there will be new episodes. We don’t have any cast information or art. We’ve had information about CDs, home video releases and all other sorts of tie ins to the Infinity arc, referred to commonly as season III, but nothing about the Dream arc or a season IV. I think more episodes are likely at this point, but barring any official confirmation we can’t say with certainty that this will happen and we have no idea of when this might occur at this time.
When we left off last week Sailor Moon was dead and Sailor Saturn was destroying the world. How will the gang manage to avoid dying and having the world be destroyed? What happened to Sailor Moon? Will she be holding someone in her arms?! The answer to this and more in Act 38!
Well… We all have to wait if we will see the beginning of the Dream Arc or not in the last episode… Both options are possible because this season they do not follow the Manga as one chapter per one episode, Crystal s3 episodes has their own endings and beginnings
Also considering the fact that if they will release Dream Arc, it will be probably also 13 episodes so they want to save save as much plot as they could because Dream Arc has only 11 Manga chapters
Nice Luke reference there.
Perhaps they’ll hint at the Dream arc in the last episode, followed by “See you soon” in French.
Just because they don’t show something suggestive pertaining the Dream arc, does not mean it’s not happening. Nothing was shown on Act 26 – Replay, Never Ending regarding the Infinity arc and look where we’re at now!
1. In honor of Sailor Moon’s birthday this Thursday.

2. I hope they release Sailor Moon S in English Dub soon.
3. I want to have that Pokemon/Sailor Moon anime crossover soon, because in that crossover, Sailor Mars will hold Ash Ketchum in her arms after Ash is injured, and so will Sailor Moon after Ash is rescued. No replies to me. I mean it.
Luke is bae
(I Smack John)
I said no replies.
But relying is the lifeblood of blogs… just like the comments are the heartbeat. Or maybe I got that backwards?
Viz is talking a lot about Anime Expo regarding to the news about SMC s3 release or new English dub of S… There will be also special SM panel… So wait until July 1st for Anime expo
I better see a Pegasus in 30 mins.
Also, happy early birthday, Usagi!
Well, I had enough of a hint when Ami and Minako were looking at the eclipse magazine, but they decided to go all out and give us the beginning of Dream arc. I’m sad yet content that they’re taking a break, in order to bring us quality later.
Best episode yet! I’m so excited for the next arc… I hope we hear announcements of the new VA’s!!
In all seriousness, what made you think this was the best episode?
Maybe that was exaggerating, but…
I just loved the way they handled most of the scenes with Moon and Saturn, I was really afraid about the pacing.
Sailor moon is my favorite senshi (I know, mainstream) and I love how powerful she is here, even if she is a bit of a Mary Sue.
Saturn’s sacrifice and the way the outers and Chibimoon reacted was pretty good for SM drama.
Then just seeing how much fun the characters were having at the end, so much life and character compared to the first two seasons…it makes me feel like the Dream Arc will be even more vibrant and powerful. I hope we get variety in the intros and outros too.
Thanks for the detailed explanation, gold Saint. I did like this episode as well I just felt the fight vs Pharaoh 90 was a bit rushed, but Sailor Pluto’s scene with Dome Close I believe it’s called, was amazing!
So as I expected no Pegasus, no A bientot, nothing… They did the half of the Eclipse scene and we can hear the bells, but that’s clearly kind of sign that there is no even little decision whether Toei will do Dream Arc or not so they better didn’t want to fool fans with any possible big hopes… But I am hoping there will be another seasons maybe in January?
Wait, so more happened in the manga in Act 38?
Yea in Act 38 after the outers leave, the eclipse happens and Usagi & ChibiUsa get their first glimpse of pegasus as well as dead moon circus
So, those Bella that rung I’m assuming it was Pegasus, and that’s who they were looking it right when the episode cut off?
Yes… In the Manga chapter, Pegasus is clearly shown and he also speak to them both, but they can’t show him in SMC because I am sure there is no official artwork of Pegasus, nor the voice actor obviously
Good point. And remember they are also at their limits with the budget, so I’m glad they didn’t show him. I don’t want to see a bullshit Pegasus. I wonder if he’ll be 3D
January is soooo far away, though!!
But if we have to wait we have to wait. Better than none at all!!
OMFG, the ending of the latest episode! They’re basically saying they’re doing Dream Arc! Now we just need confirmation and a timeline.
I am more than sure we will get the announcement for the Dream Arc on June 30th – our precious moon rabbits’ birthday. During this capably done season Crystal became hot stuff again all over the world. There is even a Sailor Moon radio now in Japan, which will broadcast throughout the summer, hosted by the voice actresses of the guardians. The Sailor Moon Fanclub is also a big thing in Japan right now, there is a new Dream based musical, the Season IV is a given. They just decided to save the Pegasus design for further announcements, but the new arc is coming for sure.
Can someone explain Hotaru’s forehead symbol change after her reincarnation?
I can only think it’s a play on her being the second Saturn, with more of a ‘2’ design to the symbol. It’s interesting to note that the original symbol for Saturn has more in common with the symbol on baby hotaru’s head than on sailor Saturn.
I noticed that as well, regarding the original symbol.
However, I took that as an undeveloped guardian, since is just a baby after all.
Also, happy birthday Usagi!
I still can’t grasp the fact that Infinity arc is already over