The next episode of Sailor Moon Crystal will air on Japanese TV tomorrow, June 13th, at 11pm Japan Standard Time. Afterwards, starting at 10:30am Eastern Time, the episode will be available to stream on Crunchyroll, Neon Alley and Hulu. . Act 36, Infinity 10 – Infinite – Upper Atmosphere, is the first of a three part conclusion to the Infinity arc. These next three episodes were originally one massive chapter of the original Sailor Moon manga. Because of this the pacing may seem a bit off.
Hotaru is a big deal this week, trying to free herself from the evil Mistress 9 who’s ingesting human souls like they were candy. One major thing we just might see in this episode is a Tuxedo Mask transformation sequence. The equivalent manga chapter, which we expect should be faithfully adapted as all others before it have, shows Mamoru transforming into Tuxedo Mask. We never got an elaborate stock footage transformation for Tuxedo Mask in the original Sailor Moon anime. This happened a few times but these were quick and nothing like what the other Sailor Guardians did, and by that I mean we didn’t see a glowing naked version of him. Fingers crossed!
I hope Tuxedo Mask doesn’t turn evil again in this episode.
No, he’s becoming nudist…
Haha, after “wet Mamo”, “glowing naked Mamo”. Poor Mamo…
After that showboating in the latest ending theme, I believe he likes it.
Finally, when it comes to his own transformation, Mamo-Tux is not a showboater. He is even so shy that he needs to hide his nudity behind his cape, lol.
Chibiusa is much more tolerable i9n this series..dare I even say, likable?
And I know it won’t happen, but that preview almost seemed to show a Saturn henshin!
I completely agree, I really love her in this series. She is sweet, caring and not an annoying little B.
It looks like a transformation to me, check out the background.
I sure hope so, though I imagine even if it is, they will make it pretty lackluster. At this point I’ll take what I can get and hope they do a proper one in the next season.
I agree with you and it scares the shit out of me honestly. I don’t understand though. Season 1, the last episodes gradually got worse and worse. Seasons 2, the last episodes got better and better. Season 3 seems to be mirroring Season 1. Not just the decrease of quality and animation, but I swear this last episode was made by someone/people who worked on the shit episodes. It really reminds me of Time Warp – Sailor Pluto episode 19 I believe? The shadow faces, the divided portraits…its just weird.
On a serious note, I’d be willing to even donate up to $1000.00 for Toei to give me Telu episode quality, and Sailor Moon transformation quality for the Outers. Like I want to see the dress, gloves, tiara, all that not a half assed animation.
Mistress 9’s faces were creepy af….Mamoru’s transformation was really lackluster….and the Hotaru parts made me cry. Idk how to feel about this episode!
Just saw the episode! The animation was terrible, weird eyes and disformed faces all over the place! I really hope all of this bad animation will get improved and corrected in the Blurays.
*deformed faces*
I definitely wondered why they didn’t reuse this one in the original anime after they went through the trouble of making it. There’s a glowing naked chest but definitely nowhere as intricate as the senshi’s transformations.
He doesn’t have a top hat anymore remember? Wouldn’t work and shit, too late now.
I think they meant, it’s odd that they only showed it once in the original anime.
Yes lol
I just saw the episode! Very disappointed with the animation quality! Again with the deformed eyes and the weird faces! I really hope all of this will be improved and corrected in the Blurays. Fingers crossed for the last two eps.
omg I totally want a screen shot of eyes going all over the place mistress 9, she was creepy beyond belief talk about nightmare inducing looks lol, anyone else get the feeling that hotaru was saying I love you in that were more then just friends??? that just came off as weird but it could totally be me thinking of it like that, loved how the inner sailors cant fight off mistress 9 to save themselves but chibi usa comes in and kicks her warped and creepy ass in 1 hit, loved the crisis transformations but wished that chibi usa had more of one herself instead of what was honestly just a mirror shot of sailormoon to begin with, cant wait for next week and Saturn comes in plus if im thinking right the super senshi suits happen, really hoping that the dream arc is a go and in the works so badly right now
I believe this is really the moment that cemented the strong friendship between Chibiusa and Hotaru, hope to see that relationship manifest in Dream arc.
Saying “I love you” is not only limited to lovers but for genuine friendship as well.
i know that lol, the way it came off tho sounded like she was in love with chibi usa, either that or im really tired and should watch it again when im more awake lol
Maybe problem with the translation?
I agree, I tell my friends, male and female I love you all the time. But I once told a Chinese friend of mine “I love you” and she was confused by it and said she didn’t understand why I would say such a thing unless I meant it.
I think the confusing part in this was that Hotaru said “even though we’re both girls”. I don’t think it’s a problem with translation so much as it was a confusing moment for the character, maybe she didn’t understand why she felt close to Chibiusa even though it wasn’t romantic?

I never saw their relationship as a lesbian one and as far as I know, the creator never said they were.
There are all kinds of relationships in Sailor moon, after all, and platonic ones are just as valid as romantic and sexual ones.
I can definitely see how her words could be thought to mean more, though.
I see lots of people complaining about the distorted face, but there is nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, it gave a chill and fear, madness and confusion. All fellings one should have when seeing a beast possessed. Forget about the candies and such, that’s why sailor moon is sailor moon. It started as a kids show, then matured with the sailors, becoming an epic anime. That’s why most countries didn’t import the series past R back then. It evolved beyond its time. unlike the rest of the world back then. So, yeah, I’m loving the new remake. Can’t wait for Sailor Super S and Stars!!
They’re not referring to Mistress 9’s intentionally messed up face, but to the mis drawn normal faces of everybody else.
My opinion? Good episode, shocking animation. Was really hoping Super Sailor Chibi Moon would be given something more special. I have to say, the part where they tried to recreate the manga panel of her appearing looked SUPER awkward. A nice pose for Chibi Moon would have been a heck of a lot better.
“They’re not referring to Mistress 9’s intentionally messed up face, but to the mis drawn normal faces of everybody else.
My opinion? Good episode, shocking animation.”
Yes, exactly. Though Mistress Nine’s distorted face was terrible too, I think. They could have done it better…
This important episode didn’t deserve such an awful animation… Some parts of the staging were ridiculous too.
LOL,some faces that Mistress 9 makes remind me of some faces that Haru from “The Secret World of Arrietty” makes.I personaly liked the decision of making Mistress 9 face weird,disgusting,creepy and scary cuz it shows the darknes of this season and how evil these villians can be.
I like the distorted faces too. She was essentially a monster possessing Hotaru’s body. I liked that the weird faces showed she didn’t have full control of it. The instability gave it another layer of depth and subtle story building detail that the manga notoriously lacks.
The animation and art here were the worst. Definitely in this season but shit maybe even top 5 of Crystal period. What a damn shame for such a nice episode. What happened to the director from the earlier episodes? Did she quit or did she ran out of budget money cause fuck man.
The Hotaru and Chibi Usagi scene made me tear up big fucking time, and yes Hotaru loves her in more than a friend way that’s why she disclosed “I know it might be weird cause we’re two girls but…”
The animation is definitely on a heavy decline. Why do they save the very worst for the end of the season. They did this with Dark Kingdom too. For shame….
One of the things I disliked the most about this episode in particular (but crystal over all) is that EVERYONE, even Chibi Moon seems a lot stronger and more independent than Sailor Moon. While Sailor Moon begs for a powerup, asking her friends for power Chibi Moon seems to try to find her own strength, demanding it from her self. She seems a lot more reliable than sailor moon at this stage and while I dont mind a “younger” character beeing more relaible than a “older” one this just seems so wrong. Chibi Moon just saw her best friend die protecting her, walking out stronger and more determind, yet Sailor Moon keeps crying and be like “May I pleace get a power up? It would be ever so kindly my dear friends”. This really bugged me this episode, more than the downgraded animation and so on.
LOL,some faces that Mistress 9 makes remind me of some faces that Haru from “The Secret World of Arrietty” makes.I personaly liked the decision of making Mistress 9 face weird,disgusting,creepy and scary cuz it shows the darknes of this season and how evil these villians can be.
Oh god.. considering how animation quality is declining per episode.. i am as scared as i am excited for the next two episodes.. I watched this show when I was like 5 years old.. And Saturn has always been my favourite.. Hoping for way better animation in the upcoming episode!