Sailor Moon S episode 112 and 113 are now available on Hulu

Sailor Moon S episode 112 - Hotaru Tomoe

The two latest episodes of Sailor Moon S were added to Hulu and Neon Alley this morning. This week we get episodes 112 and 113 which focus on a new character, Hotaru Tomoe, and her mysterious family.

Sailor Moon S episode 112 - Mimete and Cyprine of the Witches 5

Episode 112, Who Is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness, doesn’t really deal with who the true Messiash is. The new villain, who we saw last week, is Mimete of the Witches 5. We also get a look at her in the Death Busters’ HQ with Cyprine in the background. Mimete is kind of insane. She killed Eudial in the last episode and is all over the map this week, first falling in love with an actor and then attacking him and ripping out his Pure Heart. The main thing which occurs in this episode is the first appearance of Hotaru. We saw her briefly in the last episode but we get a proper look at her here. Chibiusa loses her hat and Hotaru helps her retrieve in. The two are instant friends. This is the special encounter that Neo Queen Serenity told Chibiusa she would be making in the 20th century. We’ll be learning much more about her as the season goes on.

Sailor Moon S episode 112 - Hotaru and Chibiusa

Sailor Moon S episode 113 - Kaolinite and Professor Tomoe

Episode 113, A House Filled With Evil Presence: The Beautiful Hotaru’s Secret, does not actually explain much about Hotaru’s secret. This episode features a very exposition filled interaction between the Sailor Guardians of the outer solar system and Tuxedo Mask. Everyone transforms for the sake of transforming without a villain in sight, which is a bit of a waste. We learn that Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Pluto protect the solar system from outside invaders while the Sailor Guardians that appeared previously protect against things from inside the solar system, like we had in the first two seasons. They aren’t too fond of Sailor Moon. Chibiusa and Usagi pay Hotaru a visit at her home. There they run into Kaolinite, who is somehow not dead. Usagi is shocked by this, as she encountered her in battle many times. Chibiusa arrived after Kaolinite’s supposed death so she doesn’t see this as odd. Somehow Kaolinite does not recognize Usagi, who she encountered in civilian form on her birthday, and Usagi just shrugs the whole thing off thinking it’s just a similarity. We see Professor Tomoe, Hotaru’s father, and here it is revealed who he is. Not much sense hiding it as we know his last name already. We also see him talking to a weird zonked out Hotaru who seems to be the Messiah of Silence. Will Hotaru destroy the world? She seems like a nice innocent girl, but when she comes face to face with Usagi’s broach, which contains the Silver Crystal, she sort of freaks out and seems to want to eat it. Surely this is not the last we’ll see of Hotaru as there is more going on with this girl and her creepy family who are clearly associated with the season’s villains.

Sailor Moon S episode 113 - The Messiah of Silence

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Sailor Moon S episode 113 - Hotaru wants to eat the Silver Crystal

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3 thoughts on “Sailor Moon S episode 112 and 113 are now available on Hulu

  1. It makes sense, when you think about it, why Uranus, Neptune and Pluto don’t reappear in the series until the end of the Dream Arc (since Dead Moon was from within the inner Solar System) and then in Stars to face Galaxia, who is from outside.

    • Sure but they appear in the manga. The anime just always focused more on the core group of five girls. This is likely why Chibiusa is not present for much of the story.

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