To celebrate Tuxedo Mask’s birthday we get our first look at his designs from the Sailor Moon Eternal films

Sailor Moon Eternal - Tuxedo Mask

August 3rd is Mamoru Chiba’s birthday and what better way to celebrate than to have our first look at Tuxedo Mask’s character designs for the upcoming Sailor Moon Eternal films? What do you think? He’s got the Tuxedo and the Mask. No top hat but that isn’t that odd as he’s often not wearing his hat in the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal. He’s got little dots in his hair but I’ll assume this won’t be something we will be seeing in the actual film.

The first of the Sailor Moon Eternal films will be released on January 8th and will feature the first half of the Dream story arc of the Sailor Moon manga. Mamoru features prominently in this story arc so we should see a fair amount of this design in these films.

We’ve now seen pretty much everyone except for every single villain. With January fast approaching one would hope we’ll get to see some of the Dead Moon Circus, starting with the Amazon Trio and Zirconia, some time soon!

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17 thoughts on “To celebrate Tuxedo Mask’s birthday we get our first look at his designs from the Sailor Moon Eternal films

  1. He looks too young and boyish, although this is once again a full body shot they zoomed in. This exact picture is printed on the new schedule book for Eternal but as silhouette. And it is indeed a fullbody shot. The schedule book has silhouette version of new art for each senshi, Mamoru, Helios and the Quartet. I hope they will reveal the actual artwork soon. Tired of waiting.

  2. He looks like he is 12. Im sorry, but this is such a down-grade from Yukie Sakō’s character designs, i said this about season three and they somehow managed to make it worse, its a real shame.

    • This might have worked for season 1 when he was like 17, but isn’t he like 19-20 in this arc? I think it looks fine, but I also agree with you that he looks too young.

      I feel like as fans we complain a lot…but with a rightful cause.

  3. Translated by Google:

    The movie version of “Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal” Amazon Trio cast decided!

    A new cast for the movie version of Sailor Moon Eternal has been decided!
    Three members of the Amazon Trio who have been transformed into humans by the animals of the Dead Moon Circus, the enemy of sailor warriors.

    Satoshi Hino, who plays many popular characters, plays Tiger’s Eye, which has been transformed from a tiger.
    “Tigers Eye” will play “The balance between wildness and charm”.

    I was very pleased to be able to appear in “Sailor Moon”, which is a girl’s dream, and to play Tigers Eye. At the same time, I felt a sense of responsibility. I was really happy when I heard the results of the audition. At the time of the broadcast, I was a junior high school student, and I often watched with my sister during meal times. Even from the perspective of the man himself, he was drawn to the good looks of the tuxedo mask.
    The Tiger’s Eye is an attractive character among the Amazon trio, with a balance of wildness and bewitchingness. I performed while paying attention to the balance. There are some points where overreaction was required due to the production by the sound director, so I would be happy if you could enjoy such a place.
    Dead Moon, the 4th period of the original, will be released as a movie version for the first time in 25 years. It’s a very popular episode, so I’m trying to put it all together. I hope many fans will enjoy it on the screen! Please look forward to it!

    The Hawks Eye transformed from the hawk is played by Toshiyuki Toyonaga, who is widely active on the stage and in music activities.
    We will play Hawks Eye with a pure feeling that cherishes the “dreams that we want to fulfill”.

    Sailor Moon I was watching when I was a child. I didn’t expect that the day I would be allowed to appear would be so surprised. I like Sailor Jupiter! I remember telling my classmate. Maybe I like ponytails, yes.
    At the time of the first direction, I was told “I’m onee”, but I was careful not to be a onee. Hawks Eye had a dream that she wanted to fulfill, so I performed with the intention that she would never forget her pure feelings.
    Those who knew that time “remember the memories of those days” Those who are new to it enjoyed “to enjoy the fresh feelings” and performed with all their might. We hope you will see it again and again.

    Shota Aoi, who plays the fish-eye transformed from fish, is also remarkable as an artist such as a solo live at the Nippon Budokan and a hall of 10,000 people. Aoi-san plays Fish Eye, a character who loves this work and has also helped to become a voice actor.

    I love playing so much at nursery schools and going to see musicals, and I’m really happy to appear in this work, which is my youth.
    Of course I like all the characters, but I’ve talked about various things that I would choose Fish Eye, so I decided to appear as Fish Eye, and at the same time my dream came true again. I was careful not to let down the expectations of everyone who loves the work.
    Looking at the fish eye again, I thought it was cool as usual… It’s cute and I can cry. I put my best feelings into the performance and threw all my strength.
    As a fan of this work, I’m really happy to be involved. I am doing my best with Tigers Eye and Hawks Eye, so please look forward to it!
    Can I beat my Remless-chan?

    Please look forward to the announcement of the new cast!
    The movie version of “Sailor Moon Eternal” is a two-part series that will be released on January 8th, 2021 (Fri)/Second section on February 11, 2021 (Thursday/holiday)!

    [Theatrical version official website]
    [Theatrical version official Twitter@sailor_movie]
    Twitter 25th anniversary official @sailormoon_25th

    I wonder what exactly that translation: “Can I beat my Remless-Chan?” means?
    I know that Remless was the translation used in the old dub for Lemures, so it’s no wonder they used it if translation software of even today translates it to that.

    I suppose it means: Can “you” meaning the Sailor Soldiers, beat the Lemures he uses in the manga. (which are pretty boring looking when compared to the anime) I doubt they will have any time to expand on it to give him proper minions.

    It’s interesting that they use female pronouns for Hawk’s Eye, though manga Hawk’s Eye was quite feminine even compared to anime Hawk’s Eye, and cross-dressed. When he says in the interview they told him to act like an “onee” (which means sister literally.) they were referring to a term in Japanese that means “gay” “effeminate”, “Trans”, drag queen, or even just flamboyant. It can be quite offensive, but it also seems to be taken by some as empowering (kind of how the words gay and queer were claimed and lost their negative connotations). Japan still lumps all of those things together, which is why it can be insulting to someone who doesn’t consider themselves one or all of those terms. So just because someone is gay (or flamboyantly straight) doesn’t mean they’d want to be called onee.
    Think of it like the word “queen”. Some might embrace it, others might be deeply offended.

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