Kenny has Sailor Moon’s Moon Stick in the trailer for the South Park: Phone Destroyer game

South Park: Phone Destroyer - Princess Kenny with Sailor Moon's Moon Stick

A new South Park cell phone game by Ubisoft is coming to mobile phones. The trailer for this game, released at E3 this week, includes Kenny as a Princess wielding Sailor Moon’s Moon Stick complete with the Silver Crystal it has once upgraded. This is not the first time we see Princess Kenny, who had appeared in the episode “A Song of Ass and Fire” back in 2013. In that episode Kenny transformed with the help of an item which closely resembled Sailor Moon’s Crisis Moon Compact. Watch the trailer for the game below. Princess Kenny shows up 44 seconds into the clip.

Thanks to Amanda who spotted this reference and posted about it on Twitter.

South Park: Phone Destroyer - Princess Kenny with Sailor Moon's Moon Stick

Sailor Moon episode 43 - Sailor Mars with the Moon Stick

South Park: Phone Destroyer - Princess Kenny with Sailor Moon's Moon Stick

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30 thoughts on “Kenny has Sailor Moon’s Moon Stick in the trailer for the South Park: Phone Destroyer game

  1. On a side note. This has nothing to do with this but people who have pre ordered Sailor Moon S part 2 from Right Stuf Anime, the order is being shipped out today or tomorrow.

  2. 12 more days and we will finally have some Crystal news, at least I hope so. Let’s pray for a trailer or at least character designs reveal. I personally pray for a new character design as well – like the art used for the Halloween promo art or like the one on the Collector’s box of Season III

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