Sailor Moon Crystal Set 2 will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray February 21st

Sailor Moon Crystal Set 2 Limited Edition Blu-Ray

It’s been a while since the first story arc of Sailor Moon Crystal was released on home video back in August. Fans have been waiting for news about Sailor Moon Crystal Set 2, including the Black Moon story arc, being released on home video. Amazon and the Right Stuf have listed the product for a February 21st release. Amazon has listing for the regular and limited edition with box art included. The Right Stuf also has the limited edition Blu-Ray, regular edition Blu-Ray and DVD listed with prices. They’re selling the limited edition Blu-Ray for $62.99, the regular edition Blu-Ray for $54.59 and the DVD for $31.22. Who sets a price ending in 22 cents? Mind boggling.

Sailor Moon Crystal Set 2 Limited Edition Blu-Ray

North American Blu-Ray cover for Set 2’s Limited Edition

Sailor Moon Crystal Blu-Ray vol. 13 cover

Japanese Blu-Ray cover for Volume 13

The box art seems consistent with the first release. The limited edition cover features Sailor Moon’s third transformation brooch, the Cosmic Heart Compact, which only shows up at the end of the second story arc. This is because this is the cover from the final volume from the original Japanese Sailor Moon Crystal releases. I’ve included a picture of that cover above for comparison. I’d uploaded this picture to a post that I never actually finished reviewing that set. This set will include the English dub of Sailor Moon Crystal which we’ve already heard for these episodes.

Sailor Moon Crystal Set 2 Standard Edition Blu-Ray

The regular edition box art will also likely be that shown on the case which is included inside the special edition set. Details of the release are included on the packaging. We see that this will include episodes 15 to 26. A special feature mentioned is an interview with Momoiro Clover Z, the band which performed Moon Pride, the Sailor Moon Crystal theme. The set is rated TV 14 in the US and PG in Canada. Maybe it’s the whole making out with her dad thing. The set includes art of the original Japanese covers and a full colour special booklet.

Sailor Moon Crystal Set 2 Standard Edition Blu-Ray

For now you can’t actually preorder the set using the links below, but at some point in the future you should be able to. The set is coming out next month after all!

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4 thoughts on “Sailor Moon Crystal Set 2 will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray February 21st

  1. “Sailor moon crystal” OH MY GOD, IS IT POSSIBLE?! “Set 2″ Ugh. False hope.

    By the way, I’ve calculated that if Crystal Season 4 gets out at the same time as Season 3, we should get news around the 25th January. (yes, I’m desperate.)

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