The latest episode of Sailor Moon Crystal will be available this Saturday February 21st on Crunchyroll, Hulu and Niconico. Act 16, Abduction – Sailor Mercury, will be available at 7pm Japan Standard Time which is 5am Eastern Time, 2am Pacific Time. This week we continue with the story Chibiusa and the Black Moon Clan as Sailor Mercury faces off against Berthier.
This episode will feature Mamoru’s very cool Tuxedo Mask puppet. Where did he get that thing anyway? We learn more about Chibiusa and get a brief look at the future. Berthier, the second of the Ayakashi Sisters, will be facing off against Sailor Mercury in a chess match. More importantly, Ami will be swimming in this episode. That’s right! That guy who always asks in the comments about when there will be a swimsuit episode will finally get some minor satisfaction. This won’t be like in the original anime where we would randomly have beach episodes which were ultimately cut from the English dub, but this will provide for some level of fan service. In the original manga version of this story Ami, Usagi and Naru all appear in one piece swimsuits. Perhaps Luke’s prayers will be answered and these will be animated as two piece suits for Sailor Moon Crystal!
More importantly, will Kotono Mitsuishi announce she’ll be giving the viewers more fanservice next time in the next episode previews?
omg that description about the guy always in the comments…amazing!
Well, he got his wish this time, at least in terms of Usagi.
I have been waiting forever to see this.
I have just seen this episode and it was really good. Since both Mercury and Berthier are characters I love, I was waiting for this moment, like Sam Katawazi.
I think I’ll tell more soon when your review is out
Great episode!
Acabo de terminar de ver este episodio y nuevamente me pregunto: ¿qué demonios pasa con la calidad de la animación? Este ha sido uno de los peores en cuanto a la calidad de dibujo. Hay partes verdaderamente horrendas. No entiendo. ¿Qué les pasa? ¿Es poco tiempo entre cada episodio y lo hacen a la rápida? ¿No tienen mucho interés en hacer algo bueno? A mí me estaba gustado esta nueva versión de animé, pero si siguen así, me quedo 100% con el animé de los 90. De verdad da pena (y asco) ver tan mal trabajo.
I just finished watching this episode and again I wonder what the hell is wrong with the quality of the animation? This episode has been one of the worst in terms of quality of drawing. There were truly horrendous parts. I don’t understand. What happens? Is little time between each episode and do so fast? Don’t they have much interest in doing something good? I like this new version of anime, but if they continue like this, I remain 100% to 90s anime. I really sorry, but it’s sad (and discusting) watching so bad job.
You think? I actually feel like the last two episodes have seen s GIANTS increase in quality, storytelling, and animation. They really bumped up their game and I hardly notice anything wrong now.
If I could post some pictures with the scenes… you’ll see what I mean…
There have been comparison pictures released between the web episodes and the DVD releases, and they make a lot of improvements to the animation for the DVDs.