Fumio Osano, Sailor Moon’s editor, confirms a delay for the new Sailor Moon anime

Usagi crying in a phone booth

Following last week’s post about a potential delay in the airing of the new Sailor Moon series we have received more specific confirmation from Fumio Osano, editor of the Sailor Moon manga, that the new Sailor Moon anime originally scheduled to air this summer is delayed. There has still been no official announcement and there are no specifics as to the extent of this delay, but this does seem to indicate that the show will not be released on it’s original schedule. As always I want to stress that nothing is official but given this is coming from Fumio Osano who was involved in the original announcement, it should be considered to be more than a simple rumour.

Fumio Osano confirms that the new Sailor Moon anime has been officially delayed

The tweet that Fumio Osano, @osabu8 on twitter, made to confirm was simple. A user asked “Please confirm. Has the new anime officially been delayed?” and he simply said “yes.”. Further to this another user asked if it would indeed be broadcast in Winter 2014 as we’ve heard, to which his answer was “not 2014.perhaps.“. I have no way to properly determine the full meaning of this comment. It could mean that it is delayed but not until 2014. Fumio Osano is not a fluent English reader or writer so all of this information is subject to errors in translation.

Fumio Osano's cryptic answer about the new Sailor Moon anime being delayed until 2014

When all is said and done we don’t know the actual extent of the delay. Perhaps it will still be seen this summer, maybe a bit later, maybe winter as has been mentioned elsewhere, or maybe even later down the line. One promising thing is that through all this there has been no suggestion that the project is canceled or in any danger of cancelation. This series still appears to be moving forward so let’s just be happy to be getting a new Sailor Moon anime series, whenever that may end up being.

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7 thoughts on “Fumio Osano, Sailor Moon’s editor, confirms a delay for the new Sailor Moon anime

  1. Most of us knew this delay confirmation was coming. There was just so little information coming from them about the anime. I hope it’s at least released before 2014, but anything can happen. Oh well, back to the old anime for now.

  2. i hope this will air at least autumn 2013 but not in 2014… someof the fans from japan could ask him in japanese because than we may get more understandable messages

  3. They should do what Transformers Prime did and release a special contained beginning story in the summer and the rest of the show at another time.

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