*Joseph is already having a romantic candlelit dinner with him seated on one side, and the Beryl figure standing on top the surface at the opposite side. Two of the restaurant’s mustached staff adoringly serenade them with accordion and mandolin. And that’s when Joe notices Aurelia’s presence!*
… Um. This is a private date. But, true, I have a crush on her! ☺️
Moonies, may this year be the year of success,happiness and may this be the year that we will accomplish all of our dreams (may this be a great year for sailor moon too ;))
Happy New Year, moon rabbits! I wish you to be healthy, loved and all your dreams to come true. Speaking of Dreams, let’s hope this year to bring us a gorgeously animated Crystal IV
Happy New Year Moonies! Long time no comment but I am actually visit here regularly, looking for some news about the Crystal sequel. I hope it will come out in 2018.
Knew this video would show up at some point.
The copy and paste job took about 3 minutes!
I can’t wait for 2018, and hopefully Sailor Moon Crystal Season 4 will be released soon. But not in rides.
Maybe next year!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Moonies!
I hope Sailor Moon Crystal Season 4 will be released soon. But not in rides.
Merry Christmas from Seeing Things!
(Many people complain that the DiC dub changed so much that it’s like an entirely different show. Seeing Things is that show.)
I had a pretty good Hanukkah. Even got the Queen Beryl Pop! figure. Heh!
Well, 2018… in the name of the moon—we’ll punish you!
I remember you had had a crush on that Queen Beryl Pop! fig. Happy that you got it for X-Mas
Oh, I’m so sorry, I wrote “X-Mas” but you wrote Hanukkah. I went too fast and I confess I didn’t know Hanukkah :s .
*Joseph is already having a romantic candlelit dinner with him seated on one side, and the Beryl figure standing on top the surface at the opposite side. Two of the restaurant’s mustached staff adoringly serenade them with accordion and mandolin. And that’s when Joe notices Aurelia’s presence!*
… Um. This is a private date. But, true, I have a crush on her! ☺️
Haha, I’m flattered you remembered.
No worries! Christmas is awesome, so I personally include it in my holiday spirit.
Hehe, with Beryl in love with you and not with Endymion, the Moon and Earth Kingdoms are no longer in danger
Happy New Year to you, dear Joseph, and to all our fellow friends here!
Moonies, may this year be the year of success,happiness and may this be the year that we will accomplish all of our dreams (may this be a great year for sailor moon too ;))
May this year we finally get at LEAST some news for the Dream arc! Dragon Ball Super is doing so good I truly hopefor the same
Yes totally agree, i really do hope that the dream arc will be great and successful, but for now all we can do is pray for the best
Happy New Year, moon rabbits! I wish you to be healthy, loved and all your dreams to come true. Speaking of Dreams, let’s hope this year to bring us a gorgeously animated Crystal IV
Happy New Year Moonies! Long time no comment but I am actually visit here regularly, looking for some news about the Crystal sequel. I hope it will come out in 2018.
Agreed! We’ve been far too long without any new episodes which is why I find myself reviewing the live action series.