Episode 1 of the original Sailor Moon anime, The Crybaby: Usagi’s Beautiful Transformation, aired on Japanese TV on March 7th 1992, 24 years ago today. It’s been a long time and love for the series is still going strong! More than that we are 4 years into the 20th anniversary and we are showing no signs of letting up that celebration!
The Sailor Moon official web site’s title remains the Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary Project Official Site. The official Twitter account is @sailormoon_20th. This branding isn’t going anywhere any time soon! It’ll look really silly next year as we celebrate the 25th anniversary. The manga will be 25 years old on December 28th of this year!
If you’re feeling nostalgic you can watch episode 1, The Crybaby: Usagi’s Beautiful Transformation, on Hulu either in Japanese with English subtitles or dubbed in English.
Wow, it’s crazy to think that Sailor Moon, which has such a huge influence on my life, is only a few years older than me. I wonder if I’ll someday be showing my kids Sailor Moon and hearing them laugh and cheer for the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice. God-willing, right?
I’m 26 and reading your comment, I realize that I was 2 years old when Sailor Moon aired for the very first time in Japan. This is SO old that I can’t even believe it. Sailor Moon and his friends will forever be young in our heads. It’s like Mario or Zelda, or any Nintendo heroes (Fox, Samus, etc.). You can’t even believe that they did exist before some of us were ever born.
I discovered the show when I was about 5-6 years old, but I think I was too young then to really fall in love with it. It’s only when I was 10-11 that I became a fan. I tried to read the manga a few years ago, and I admit it wasn’t my cup of tea. I’m a huge classic novel reader, but not a manga reader at all. Then Crystal came, and I began to collect Sailor Moon figures. Now I have a big collection and I’m really happy with it
All this makes me feel really nostalgic of the 90’s. In some way, I grew up with Sailor Moon. She never left me, while I’ve come a long way in life…
If I ever have kids, for sure they will be fed with all the heroes of my childhood and my adult life. It may seem narcissic, but I feel like those heroes worth much better than the actual and empty pop idols that everyone seems to idolize…
God-willing of course !
i remember when sailor moon was on i wasn’t really in to it when i was a kid i watched like 3 or 4 random videos and i thought nope but about a month or 2 ago i started watching it this is when i got into anime and i love it now i seen all but stars or crystal yet so i watched all dubbed episodes of 4 seasons and loved sailor moon now.
i did look up the Japanese and English to compare them the english verison of sailor moon cut out a lot of stuff like e.g instead of the sailor scouts dying in season one at the end the English version said they were captured, rai slapping sailor moon was cut out and sailor Neptune and Uranus being lesbian lovers was cut and replaced with them being cousins.
all in all i love sailor moon now its was second anime i ever watched my first was gatchaman anyway i do look forward to seeing crystal in future i will watch season 3 when they English dub it i don’t see why they wouldn’t they did the first two seasons the only down sids for me is that crystal is rushed but im still looking forward to it also i do hope they do stars maybe stars will be finally English dubbed in future as crystal who knows
When is the 3rd season gonna be dubbed by VIZ?
i heard that viz licences the first 2 seasons but there is no official that viz is going to dub season 3 but it be stupid if they didnt so i really hope they do tho
24 years ago…I’d have been like 9!!