Viz has posted yet another clip of their new Sailor Moon dub. This one features Luna, as voiced by Michelle Ruff. This is the first scene where Luna talks, as she explains to Usagi that she is Sailor Moon. Usagi is voiced by Stephanie Sheh. Watch the full clip below.
The DVD and Blu-Ray including the new Viz dub will be released on November 11th.
That’s it, I’m out.
I hate to say it, but you and me both. TT_TT
Why? It is actually alright. It is ten times better then the old dub.
Hmmm…I don’t really like that voice as Luna, it doesn’t sound anything like the Japanese voice actress…even English Nanny Luna sounded more fitting. Maybe it will grow on me. After all, I’m just happy to be getting a new dub. I just wish Luna sounded more…catty.
Ruff’s Luna definitely doesn’t sound like Keiko Han’s Luna, but it actually sounds kind of like her new Japanese VA for Crystal. And at least she sounds more age-appropriate for that scene in the S movie than Jill. XD
You have got be kidding. English Nanny Luna was terrible.
I’m still a fan of Jill Frappier’s voice as Luna, but I have a feeling that Ruff might grow on me, especially during her irritated moments. And Sheh’s definitely growing on me as Sailor Moon. I hope we see some more clips before the release so I can really grow used to it!
I can get used to Luna’s new voice. It’s not that bad.
I like it. It’s an interesting change, although I’m more excited to hear how Kate Higgins pulls of Ami.
Ami’s never had a particularly good voice in any version of the dub. Here’s hoping.
I disagree. I thought her old VA sounded unique and amazing, and fit the character well.
I wasn’t happy when she was recast from S and later, but I think that she was well cast.
It’ll take some getting used to… but the new dub is going to be a lot of “getting used to it” especially with the nostalgia factor.
I’ve always loved Michelle Ruff and I’m eager to see her work opposite Johnny Bosch again :D. I think she was an excellent choice for Luna!
That moon prism power sucked
where’s the pauses?
The first one is said all at once quickly (since Usagi’s just humoring Luna) so it’s supposed to be quick. Later on they’ll get slower, and Usagi’s new VA said it slower at the con panel.
The Viz dub sounds and will definitely be better then the old dub. Plus the whole cast was blessed by the creator Naoko Takeuchi.
So unhappy with dubbing. Usagi I can get used to but luna is a total fail. She sounds like a sex predator. When did Luna get so cutesy and flirty sounding? Wrong wrong wrong, we can drop the English accent but this girls voice in general I can’t go.