Following Tuesday’s post about official Sailor Moon lingerie we now have this ad from Peach John which features models wearing the clothes. For details on these items do check out the original post on the topic.
This lingerie bears a striking resemblence to SciFeyeCandy’s sexy cosplay items. I saw these at Unplugged Expo and when I first saw these new lingerie items as the similarity was immediately obvious. Some people are suggesting the designs are inspired by these though it’s impossible to tell if this is the case or if the similarity is a mere coincidence.
Source: Sailor Moon Collectibles Facebook Page
I doubt it’s a direct copy of SciFeyeCandy. It’s a common concept I’ve seen in doujinshi and porn back in the 90s when sailor moon was popular. I don’t have any evidence of that, I’m just fairly confident. It was the dial up days!
They’re teeny boopers! I already have to order large when buying j-fashion (my hips don’t lie. Lol) no way i’ll find something in my size with these! XD