The final English translated Sailor Moon manga by Kodansha was released yesterday. Sailor Moon Short Stories vol. 2 collects the last few stories that hadn’t been seen before. You can pick this up at your local bookstore or online retailer (including the Amazon link at the bottom of this post).
The bulk of this manga is Princess Kaguya’s Lover. This story was originally published as volume 10 of 18 in the original manga series, taking place immediately after the battle with Professor Tomoe and Mistress 9. It is the story of Luna falling in love with a human and becoming a human herself, and it was animated as the Sailor Moon S movie.
In addition to this are two other short stories. The first is Casa Blanca Memory, a story centering around Rei, which was originally published with Princess Kaguya’s Lover.
We also have Parallel Sailor Moon, a story which tells of an alternate future, if you can call 1999 the future, where Usagi’s daughter Ko-Usagi and her friends, Ami, Rei, Mina and Mako all become Sailor Guardians themselves. It was originally published in the Materials Collection art book.
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Does it also contain the Timeline of the series?
I also see some websites talking about Kanzenban books being released – forgive my ignorance, but what are they exactly ? How do they differ from the “regular” manga ?
Will they be released in english ?
These are the Kanenban books:
Kodansha USA said on their tumblr that there are no current plans to release them in English because the current release just finished.