Download Sailor Moon episodes 1 to 23 on iTunes, Amazon, Xbox or PlayStation

Sailor Moon first season box art

For those looking for an ad free way of watching the original Sailor Moon anime the first half of the first season is now available for digital download on iTunes, Amazon Instant, Xbox Video (Xbox 360 and Xbox One and the PlayStation Store (PS3, PS4, PSP, PS Vita and Xperia). This includes episode 1 to 23 of the series in Japanese with English subtitles from Viz. HD episodes are $1.99 a piece or $34.99 for the full half season. Standard definition episodes are only $0.99 an episode or $16.99 for all 23 episodes. Order them from Amazon through the link below to support our site.

As always free episodes are available streaming with ads on Hulu.

Sailor Moon season 1 part 1 on iTunes

These are all available primarily to US users. Amazon Instant has no Canadian pressence. Sailor Moon is not listed in the Canadian iTunes store. It appears to be available for Xbox Video and PlayStation Store users in Canada.

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4 thoughts on “Download Sailor Moon episodes 1 to 23 on iTunes, Amazon, Xbox or PlayStation

  1. Pingback: Sailor Moon episodes 15 and 16 are now available on Hulu | Sailor Moon News

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