Pretty Guardian Trainer Jupiter Sailor Moon/Pokémon shirt for sale today at ShirtPunch

Pretty Guardian Trainer Jupiter shirt

Check out this “Pretty Guardian Trainer Jupiter” shirt featuring a mash up of Pokémon and Sailor Moon. It’s for sale at ShirtPunch for only $10 but will only be for sale for 24 hours on October 18th. The shirt shows Sailor Jupiter as a Pokémon trainer with the Pokémon Blitzie, Roselia and Jolteon in her team.

The artist, Kinkwink, has already done similar shirts for Pretty Guardian Trainer Venus and Pretty Guardian Trainer Mars which are both still available at her Redbubble store. This shirt will also likely show up on that store once this sale is completed.

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2 thoughts on “Pretty Guardian Trainer Jupiter Sailor Moon/Pokémon shirt for sale today at ShirtPunch

    • Is that a euphemism?

      The artist usually puts comments on the Pokemon choices in the redbubble description for her shirts so I expect to see that shortly.

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